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Isranet Daily Briefing
Friday, May 14th 2021 / Friday, May 14th 2021
Statement by PM Netanyahu: Prime Minister’s Office, May 13, 2021 ““What is happening in Israel’s cities over the past few days is unacceptable. We have seen Arab rioters set fire to synagogues and vehicles and attack police officers. They are attacking peaceful and innocent citizens. This is something that we cannot accept; it is anarchy. […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Citation de la semaine: Le guerrier victorieux remporte la bataille, puis part en guerre. Le guerrier vaincu part en guerre, puis cherche à remporter la bataille. Sun Tzu ________________________________________________________________________ Israël-Gaza: le Hamas a renversé la table Gil Mihaely, 12 mai 2021 Crise de Jérusalem. Paris, Amman, Le Caire tentent une conciliation.Brillant interview de Daniel Saada.Israelvalley Desk, mai 12th, […]
Thursday, May 13th 2021 / Friday, May 14th 2021
The Link Between Iran and the Missile Arsenals in Gaza: JNS, May 13, 2021 — During the current clashes between Israel and terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip, several types of rockets and missiles have been fired from Gaza into Israel. ______________________________________________________________ The Objective: Make Hamas Regret Its Actions: Yoav Limor, Israel Hayom, May 12, 2021 “The success […]
Wednesday, May 12th 2021 / Wednesday, May 12th 2021
MEDIA-OCRITIES OF THE WEEK Afghan Forces Could Face ‘Bad Possible Outcomes’ From US Withdrawal: Top General: Emily Jacobs, NY Post, May 3, 2021“ The Afghan military, as well as other law-enforcement agencies in the area, are ‘reasonably well-equipped, reasonably well trained, reasonably well led’, Milley noted. ‘The Afghan army, do they stay together and remain a […]
Tuesday, May 11th 2021 / Tuesday, May 11th 2021
WATCH: Jews Celebrate at Western Wall, Despite Arab Riots and Explosions on Temple Mount: United With Israel, May 10, 2021 — Today, Israelis are celebrating the 54th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem, the eternal capital of the Jewish State. Anatomy of An Intentional Escalation: Israel’s Approaching Hot Summer: David Wurmser, Center for Security Policy, […]
Monday, May 10th 2021 / Tuesday, May 11th 2021
WATCH: Jerusalem of Old, in Living Color!: United With Israel, May 6, 2021 — Israelis are soon celebrating Yom Yerushalayim, or Jerusalem Day, marking the reunification of the eternal Jewish capital during the 1967 Six Day War. Jewish veterans of the Red Army commemorate Victory in Europe Day: Jeremy Sharon, Jerusalem Post, May 9, 2021 […]
Friday, May 7th 2021 / Friday, May 7th 2021
The Elusive Marc Chagall: Joseph A. Harris, Smithsonian Magazine, December 2003 David McNeil fondly remembers the day in the early 1960s his father took him to a little bistro on Paris’ Île St. Louis, the kind of place where they scrawl the menu in white letters on the mirror behind the bar, and masons, house […]
Citation de la semaine: Quand tu es heureux, regarde au plus profond de toi. Tu verras que seul ce qui t’apporte de la peine, t’apporte aussi de la joie. Quand tu es triste, regarde à nouveau ans ton coeur, et tu verras que tu pleures ce qui te rendait heureux. Khalil Gibran ________________________________________________________________________ La puissance […]
Thursday, May 6th 2021
Restore America’s Commercial Sea Power: Christopher R. O’Dea, National Review, Apr. 2, 2021 “China’s game plan is to pit large companies and financial investors against Western populations.” While many in the U.S. and the West shelter in place hoping that warmer spring weather will slow the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus, China is planning its own Spring […]
Wednesday, May 5th 2021 / Wednesday, May 5th 2021
MEDIA-OCRITIES OF THE WEEK Joe Biden Has Had The Best Start Of Any Presidency In Almost A Century: Lawrence Martin, Globe and Mail, Apr. 29, 2021“…Fate has carried [Biden] to the point where he could become one of the most consequential of presidents…Many observers are crediting the Democrat with the most successful opening act since Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s first 100 […]
Tuesday, May 4th 2021 / Tuesday, May 4th 2021
Stop justifying the 45 deaths on Mount Meron – opinion: Shmuley Boteach, Jerusalem Post, May 3, 2021 — My daughter called me before the Sabbath in terrible pain. Beyond trying to process the deaths of religious Jews at Mount Meron on Lag Ba’omer, she was in an argument on a chat group with a woman who said […]
Monday, May 3rd 2021 / Wednesday, May 5th 2021
Israel Debates Launch Of State Inquest Into Meron Disaster: Yair Altman , Ariel Kahana and Itsik Saban, JNS, May 3, 2021 — All eyes are on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and whether he will order a state commission of inquiry into the Lag B’Omer disaster that left 45 people dead and 150 injured. ________________________________________________________________________ Former CIA Head Targets Jewish Suffering In […]
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