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Tuesday, December 14th 2021 / Friday, July 22nd 2022
Steven Emerson IPT News, Dec. 9, 2021 “But no speaker mentioned the bigoted message and antisemitic narratives pushed by CAIR since its founding more than 25 years ago. Nor did they explain how it was possible to fight bigotry and hate when the organization is led by bigots and haters.” This is Part 2 of a two-part series excerpted from a […]
Mitchell Bard JNS, Nov. 17, 2021 “The entire concept of academic freedom is a creation of faculty (the AAUP and the Association of American Colleges and Universities) not of any of the other stakeholders and it has been set up so that only faculty foxes can guard the campus henhouse.” While most campus organizations focus […]
Liel Leibovitz Tablet, Nov. 28, 2021 “The debate about Israel is heated precisely because it’s not about Israel at all, but about the shape of the world, the nature of virtue, and the future of everything from economic structures to international relations.” Why are so many of our self-appointed intellectual and moral betters so obsessed […]
Carine Hajjar National Review, Oct. 2, 2021 “How can academia tolerate such a direct blow to its very purpose? A change in priority can be the only explanation. As the university grows into a more corporate entity, it chooses the stability of ideological orthodoxy over the risks that come with open discourse.” It’s a tale as old […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
Friday, December 10th 2021
Israel Pushes US to Walk Away from Iran Nuclear Talks: i24News English, Dec. 6, 2021 — Interview with Norman Roule, former National Intelligence Manager for Iran, Office of Dir. of National Intelligence and Senior Adviser, United Against Nuclear Iran. MEMRI President Yigal Carmon On Al-Jazeera TV: Iran Is Working On A Nuclear Bomb, Israeli […]
Friday, December 10th 2021 / Friday, July 22nd 2022
Yaakov Lappin IPT News, Dec. 7, 2021 “Iran’s proxies, such as an Iranian-backed Shi’ite militias in Iraq, can decide to fire sophisticated ballistic or cruise missiles at Riyadh or Tel Aviv, from the same Iraqi launchpads.” Three weapons systems form a triangle at the heart of the Islamic Republic’s program to entrench itself in the […]
Jake Wallis Simons NY Post, Dec. 6, 2021 “Mossad found out what they deeply wanted in their lives and offered it to them. There was an inner circle of scientists who knew more about the operation, and an outer circle who helped out but had less information.” Israel has carried out three major operations over […]
Khaled Abu Toameh Gatestone Institute, Dec. 9, 2021 “Iran is doing all of this to take advantage of the time factor… If a nuclear agreement is not achieved, Tehran will have reached levels of enrichment that would allow it to implement its nuclear project by imposing a fait accompli and declaring victory.” On the eve of the […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Thursday, December 9th 2021
Citation de la semaine: La réalité ne peut être passée sous silence, sauf moyennant un prix à payer; et plus on persiste à la passer sous silence, plus le prix à payer devient élevéet terrible. Aldous Huxley – Les portes de la perception (1954) 30 novembre: Journée des réfugiés juifs du monde arabe Réfugiés juifs du monde arabe : Que célèbre-t-on en ce jour du souvenir ? «Juifs en pays arabes. Le grand déracinement 1850-1975», de Georges Bensoussan Aperçu de l’actualité: 30 novembre: […]
Analysis Communiqués
Thursday, December 9th 2021 / Friday, July 22nd 2022
de Georges Bensoussan Pourquoi n’y a-t-il plus de Juifs ou presque dans les pays arabes? Georges Bensoussan retrace, dans un livre mémorable, cet exode qui selon lui n’est pas dû au conflit israélo-palestinien mais aux forces longues, profondes et implacables de l’histoire John E. Jackson Publié vendredi 22 juin 2012 à 19:50 Genre: HISTOIRE Qui […]
Deter Russia by Arming NATO Allies: William Schneider Jr., WSJ, Dec. 8, 2021 — This week’s virtual summit between President Biden and Vladimir Putin took place in an environment of diplomatic coercion, with Russian troops massing on the border with Ukraine. So far, the punitive actions at which the White House has hinted are insufficient to deter […]
Le président Yitzhak Herzog a accueilli la cérémonie d’État marquant le jour du départ et de l’exil des Juifs des pays arabes et iranien de leurs pays d’origine. Le président a partagé son histoire personnelle : « Ma mère Ora Herzog et ma tante Susie Even, nées dans la famille Chéatgourara, qui vivaient à Ismailia et au […]
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