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L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme

Isranet Daily Briefing


Iran Deal reached in Vienna - June/July 2015 
 Flags aligned(Flickr)
Iran Deal reached in Vienna - June/July 2015 Flags aligned(Flickr)

The Israel Philharmonic’s Passover Table Comes Alive!”:  American Friends Israel Philharmonic — There’s something divine in the air as the seder table comes alive to the sounds of “Echad Mi Yodea”—a traditional, whimsical Passover song found in the Haggadah. Watch the foods on the seder table jump to life as Music Director Lahav Shani and the rest of the Israel Philharmonic perform an energetic arrangement of the tune alongside dancing bitter herbs, spinning matzah, and even a talking gefilte fish.

Journeying Back to Where It All Started: Revisiting the Egyptian Exodus:  Deborah Fineblum, JNS, Apr. 11, 2022 — Why is this Passover different from all other Passovers? If you were one of the 32 souls who traveled with Rabbi Dr. Joshua Berman to Egypt in January, it’s the fact that you can’t read the Haggadah the same way this year. Because what you saw and heard there downloaded brand-new, three-dimensional multi-sensory images into your mind.

Biden and Putin Are in Business Together, Thanks to the Iran Deal Lee Smith, Tablet, Apr. 15, 2022 — With President Joe Biden’s poll numbers at all-time lows and the midterm elections just around the corner, it should hardly come as any surprise that the Democratic Party will go back to its playbook and once again make Russian President Vladimir Putin the centerpiece of campaign season.

How Congress Can Nix Biden’s Iran Deal:  Gabriel Noronha:  Tablet, Apr. 17, 2022

America’s ‘Plan B’ in Case Iran Talks Fail Not ‘Well-Formulated Enough’:  Yaakov Lappin, JNS, Apr. 18, 2022

Biden is Right to Hesitate Taking Iran’s IRGC Off Terrorist List:  Jason M. Brodsky, The Hill, Apr. 14, 2022

Iran Assembles ‘Building Blocks For Long-Range Ballistic Missiles,’ Says Israeli Space Expert:  Yaakov Lappin, JNS, Apr. 18, 2022

For Further Reference:

Biden Should Listen to the Generals on Iran Deal:  Editorial Board, NY Post, Apr. 15, 2022 — Finally, some common sense: In an open letter to President Joe Biden, 46 retired generals and admirals this week denounced the ongoing Iran deal negotiations.

Here’s How Biden has Alienated US Ally Israel:  Fox News, Apr. 18, 2022 — Former Israeli Ambassador to U.S. Ron Dermer joins Steve Hilton on ‘The Next Revolution’ to weigh in on Biden’s Iran nuclear deal.

Tehran Warns Israel on Making ‘Tiniest Move’ Against Iran:  AP, Apr. 18, 2022 Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi Monday warned that Israel will be targeted by his country’s armed forces if it makes “the tiniest move” against Iran.

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