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L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme

Isranet Daily Briefing

Daily Briefing: Passover: Commemorating National Redemption and Personal Freedom

Passover Seder 5771 - Shmurah matzah | These are hand-formed… | Flickr
Flickr Passover Seder 5771 - Shmurah matzah | These are hand-formed… | Flickr

The Haggadah: A Political Classic with Rabbi Meir Soloveichik:  A free, 8-part audio course, Tikvah Fund The most widely read, beloved, and perplexing book of the Jewish tradition is the Passover Haggadah. It is also a serious work of Jewish political philosophy. This Passover, we bring you a free audio course from Rabbi Meir Soloveichik, exploring the social, civic, and political teachings of the Haggadah. He will show how every prayer, passage, symbol, and song aims to describe and preserve the Jewish understanding of the good society, and why the festival of freedom is so central to understanding what Judaism stands for in every generation.

The People-Forming Passover:  Leon R. Kass, Mosaic, Apr. 6, 2020

Passover Can Lead Us to Experience Our Own Personal Redemption:  Pini Dunner, Algemeiner, Apr. 8, 2022

The Ukrainian Refugee Crisis on the Eve of Passover:  Daniella Hellerstein, Jerusalem Post, Apr. 9, 2022

Why Is This Year Different from All Other Years?:  Abigail Pogribin, The Atlantic, Apr. 22, 2022

For Further Reference:

Passover Guide for the Perplexed 2022:  Yoram Ettinger, The Ettinger Report, Apr. 13, 2022 — 3,600 hundred years ago, the Passover Exodus catapulted the Jewish people from the lowest ebb of spiritual and physical servitude in Egypt to the highest level of liberty in the Land of Israel.

Who Wrote the Ancient Passover Haggadah?:  Rabbi Ari Enkin, United With Israel, Mar. 25, 2022 — Take a look at the inside cover of your Haggadah – you won’t find the name of any author! So how did we get the Haggadah that we have today?

Israel’s National Library Makes Rare Editions of Haggadah Available for Download Before Passover:  Algemeiner Staff, Algemeiner, Apr. 11, 2022 — In advance of the upcoming Passover holiday, the National Library of Israel is making some of the world’s most admired, rare, and valuable editions of the Haggadah available for download online.

‘Blackness Deserves a Seat at the Seder’:  Kayla Stewart, NY Times, Apr. 13, 2022 — At a table in Fredericksburg, Va., surrounded by loved ones, Michael W. Twitty will celebrate Passover this year with a Seder plate that speaks directly to his identity.

Singapore’s Jewish Community Hosts First Interfaith Passover Seder:  JNS, Apr. 1, 2022 — Singapore’s Jewish community hosted its first interfaith seder ahead of the Jewish holiday of Passover, which begins on April 15 at sundown, reported Yahoo! News.

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