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Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Thursday, December 23rd 2021 / Friday, December 24th 2021
Citation de la semaine: La justice est la vertu humble, ingrate et amère, la vertu sans gloire comme sans volupté, et cependant, qu’elle vienne à manquer, tout manque. Citation de Victor Cherbuliez ; La bête (1887) Sarah Halimi : Le Parlement adopte la réforme de l’irresponsabilité pénale TIMES OF ISRAEL STAFF17 décembre 2021, Meyer Habib et “quelques […]
Thursday, December 23rd 2021
20 décembre 2021 Tribune Juive Commission d’enquête parlementaire 6 La Commission d’enquête parlementaire Sarah Halimi, demandée et obtenue par le Député Meyer Habib afin de vérifier si par hasard il y aurait eu quelque dysfonctionnement tant dans le traitement policier que dans celui juridique, poursuit ses travaux en cette fin décembre. Cela fait 4 ans et 8 mois […]
Thursday, December 23rd 2021 / Saturday, July 23rd 2022
Times of Israel staff Times of Israel, Dec. 22, 2021 “The court ruling comes as longtime party leader Benjamin Netanyahu faces mounting dissent over the way he lost power in March and a looming leadership challenge.” An internal court of the opposition Likud party decided Wednesday to expel some 1,000 members affiliated with the New […]
Jacob Kornbluh Forward, Dec. 12, 2021 “After the second election in 2019, when Netanyahu failed once again to garner a majority to form a government, Trump told reporters, “Our relationship is with Israel.”” A new Hebrew book published on Sunday by Israeli journalist Barak Ravid gives a behind-the-scenes look at what is now being revealed as […]
Caroline B. Glick JNS, Dec. 19, 2021 “Barak Ravid is more of a left-wing activist than a reporter. And to advance his personal war against the right, he has a knack for making marginal bloviations the heart of his stories and reducing major events to idle gossip.” How are we supposed to understand journalist Barak […]
David Israel Jewish Press, Dec. 9, 2021 ” … the Haredi parties are busy enlisting opposition parties to vote down the bill when it is submitted for Knesset approval, and one must wonder why.” In the latest round of attempts to satisfy everyone regarding Haredi enlistment in the IDF (which, to remind you, was the […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
Wednesday, December 22nd 2021 / Wednesday, December 22nd 2021
MEDIA-OCRITY OF THE WEEK Retired Generals Warn U.S. Military Deeply Divided and Future Coup Attempt Possible: Adrian Morrow, The Globe and Mail, Dec. 19, 2021“We are increasingly concerned about the aftermath of the 2024 presidential election and the potential for lethal chaos inside our military. In short, we are chilled […]
Tuesday, December 21st 2021
For Washington, the Elephant in the Room is a Dragon: Akshobh Giridharadas, Observer Research Foundation, Oct. 25, 2021 India and Russia Expand Defense Ties, Despite Prospect of U.S. Sanctions: Mujib Mashal and Karan Deep Singh, NY Times, Dec. 6, 2021 How Does China’s Military View India?: Adhiraaj Anand, The Diplomat, Oct. 2, 2021 Naor Gilon: ‘Intimacy […]
Tuesday, December 21st 2021 / Saturday, July 23rd 2022
Adhiraaj Anand The Diplomat, Oct. 2, 2021 “While the PLA sees India as behaving in an increasingly aggressive and expansionist manner in South Asia and the Indian Ocean, it downplays how far India’s actions in these latter theaters could go.” The Indian military sees China as its biggest threat, as Chief of Defense Staff Bipin […]
The Indian Express, Dec. 6, 2021 “The intimacy between the two countries is such that whatever India will ask will be seriously and positively looked at.” The Indian Express interviews Israeli Ambassador Naor Gilon Shubhajit Roy: This year, we mark 13 years of 26/11 terrorist attacks in Mumbai. What changed in the relationship between Israel […]
Mujib Mashal and Karan Deep Singh NY Times, Dec. 6, 2021 “The confirmation that the missile defense system deal, first agreed upon in 2018, was going ahead despite threats that it could affect India’s growing relations with the United States signaled that New Delhi was willing to take calculated risks to bolster its defenses against […]
Akshobh Giridharadas Observer Research Foundation, Oct. 25, 2021 “The signing of the Abraham Accords was the missing piece of the puzzle.” The US-Israel-UAE-India minilateral aims to fructify a partnership in West Asia, and in October, the senior-most foreign policy representatives of the four nations sowed the seeds of the new forum. As Indian analyst C. […]
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