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Tuesday, May 30th 2023 / Friday, December 1st 2023
Katherine Knot Inside Higher Ed, May 26, 2023 “Antisemitism has no place in our society, and I am proud that the department will continue to use all available tools to prevent and address antisemitic discrimination in our nation’s schools. No student should have to face discrimination or harassment because of their race, color, national origin, […]
Analysis Zvika Klein Jerusalem Post, May 28, 2023 “Everyone knows I love partnership but adding CAIR which embraces antisemitism is kind of like Iran serving on the women’s rights council in the UN — it should never have happened and it shouldn’t now either.” Why would the White House include an organization that has […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
Monday, May 29th 2023 / Friday, December 1st 2023
A SON’S PRAISE My Father, Henry Kissinger, is Turning 100. This is his Guide to Longevity.: David Kissinger, Washington Post, May 25, 2023 — On Saturday, my father, Henry Kissinger, celebrates his 100th birthday. This might have an air of inevitability for anyone familiar with his force of character and love of historical symbolism. Not only […]
David M. Weinberg Jerusalem Post, May 24, 2023 “The delay in weapons supply to Israel on days two through six of the war cannot be attributed to Kissinger, but rather to then-defense secretary James Schlesinger, along with unfriendly European leaders who refused stopover landing rights for planes carrying supplies for Israel.” Even as he […]
Thomas Fazi UnHerd, May 24, 2023 “Kissinger’s defenders focus on his diplomatic achievements, which are hard to dispute.” How one chooses to celebrate Kissinger’s Century depends on where you sit in the “Kissinger wars”. To his detractors, Henry Kissinger was an imperialist who pursued US global supremacy with unmatched ruthlessness and cynicism. To his supporters, […]
Oded Eran INSS, November 2022 “Reading Indyk’s book left me no doubt that his first aim in writing the work is the desire to change opinions, beliefs, and impressions that have emerged regarding the book’s subject matter due to his own experience in Israel during the Yom Kippur War in 1973.” Indyk, Martin. Master […]
Tunku Varadarajan WSJ, May 26, 2023 “What Mr. Kissinger sees when he looks at the world today is “disorder.” Eight years—that’s all the time Henry Kissinger was in public office. From January 1969 to January 1977, Mr. Kissinger was first national security adviser and secretary of state under Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, holding both titles concurrently for more […]
Thursday, May 25th 2023 / Friday, December 1st 2023
Podcast: Jon Levenson on the Moral Force of the Book of Ruth: Jon Levenson and Tikvah Podcast at Mosaic, June 3, 2022 — Beginning Saturday night [this year, Thur. night], the Jewish people will celebrate the holiday of Shavuot. During the festival, Jews traditionally study the book of Ruth, the biblical text that tells the story of […]
Eli Kavon Jerusalem Post, May 31, 2022 “The Sinaic revolution, by demanding a belief in one God, without form or shape, who was the sole creator of the universe, who willed the cosmos into existence and invested humanity with the power to choose to do good or evil, overturned the existing belief systems of great […]
Dr. Tzvi Novick The, May 27, 2020 “What, ultimately, is the elemental glue that binds Israel into a people?” Mutual Covenantal Responsibility at Sinai The famous rabbinic dictum has it that כל ישראל ערבים זה בזה “all Israelites are guarantors one for the other,” or in other words, that each is responsible to “pay” […]
Shaul Magid Times of Israel, May 23, 2023 “As I understand Shagar, he is suggesting that revelation changes everything. But while Badiou suggested that the event changes everything by destroying what came before, Shagar suggests that what existed before the event is not destroyed, but transformed by it.” With the conclusion of Passover last […]
Elliot J. Cosgrove Sapir, Vol 3, Autumn 2021 “Mitzvot are the sacred shibboleths by which Jews build conscious community.” For a people as numerically modest as the Jews, we have more than our fair share of civic, cultural, and advocacy organizations in service of Jewish continuity. From historical societies to Holocaust memorials, […]
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