CIJR | Canadian Institute for Jewish Research
L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme

Isranet Daily Briefing


The Babyn Yar Massacre: 80 years later, there is a monument, memorial - The Jerusalem Post
The Babyn Yar Massacre: 80 years later, there is a monument, memorial - The Jerusalem Post

On This Day: Achille Lauro Hijacking, Resulting In Klinghoffer Murder:  Sara Sharf, Jerusalem Post, Oct. 7, 2021 — On this day, October 7, in 1985, four heavily-armed members of the Palestinian Liberation Front (PLF) hijacked the Achille Lauro cruise ship off the coast of Egypt, that was traveling from Alexandria, Egypt to Ashdod, Israel.

Israeli President Herzog in Ukraine Marking 80th Anniversary of the Babi Yar Massacre:  i24 News, YouTube, Oct. 6, 2021


For Further Reference:

Names, Testimonies Of Nazis In Babi Yar Massacre Released 80 Years On:  Times of Israel, Oct. 6, 2021 — On the 80th anniversary of the Babi Yar massacre in Ukraine, researchers on Wednesday revealed for the first time the names of dozens of perpetrators, and some of their testimonies.

Ex-Nazi, 100, Accused Of Being An Accessory To 3,518 Murders:  Lauren Marcus, World Israel News, Oct. 7, 2021 — A 100-year-old German man is facing charges for being an accessory to a staggering 3,518 murders, as prosecutors say he served as a concentration camp guard over seven decades ago.

Who Lost the Yom Kippur War?:  Amotz Asa-El, Jerusalem Post, Oct. 7, 2021  — The Yom Kippur War, which raged 48 years ago this month, remains for thousands of Israelis a combination of Pearl Harbor and Watergate; a tale of military shock and political decadence that cost thousands of lives and dethroned an arrogant elite. Now, though it’s been nearly half a century, the events of October 1973 are stirring renewed debate.

Of Fish and Fishermen: An Unknown Christian Reference in the Talmud:  David S. Farkas, Tradition, Summer 2020 Issue 52.3 – Robert Travis Herford (1860-1950), the son of an English Unitarian Minister, published a book in 1903 that remains an enduring classic in Judaica libraries to this very day.

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