Friday, September 5th 2014 / Friday, September 5th 2014
After a shelling outside an United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees school in Rafah where at least 10 more Palestinian civilians were tragically killed, State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki came out with a harsh statement, saying that "the United States is appalled by today's disgraceful shelling” and urging Israel to do more […]
Sunday, August 31st 2014 / Tuesday, September 9th 2014
These are portentous days in the global village. Having fiddled while Mosul burned, Barack Obama’s studied foreign policy passivity was finally shattered by TV scenes of tens of thousands of Yazidi sect members fleeing genocide at the hands of advancing Islamic State murderers marching through their villages towards the key Kurdish town of Irbil. […]
Friday, August 22nd 2014
In just a few weeks the government of Iraq lost control of most of Western Iraq and Northern Iraq. As the Army of Iraqi disintegrated, leaving to the Army of IS all that heavy weaponry (the very best of its kind in the whole world, paid for over two decades by the American taxpayer), mass […]
Wednesday, August 20th 2014
On August 20, 1940 Winston Churchill, Great Britain's new Prime Minister, addressing Parliament as the desperate Battle of Britain continued, with the final victory of the RAF over the Luftwaffe's assault against England still in the balance, said of Fighter Command, "Never on the field of human conflict has so much been owed by so […]
Wednesday, August 20th 2014 / Wednesday, August 20th 2014
When Hamas fires its last rocket and Israel drops its last bomb, the extent of Gaza’s devastation will become clear. An early estimate is that some $5 billion will be necessary to rebuild residences and infrastructure destroyed in the recent conflict. The first step is to take United Nations Relief and Works Agency out of […]
Tuesday, August 19th 2014
La FONATINE IN THE "ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF BRADFORD." British "Liberal Democratic" Member of Parliament for Bradford East, David Ward wants to bomb Israel and David Galloway MP, representing Bradford West, calls for making Bradford an "Israel Free Zone." Representing the wishes of their constituents faithfully, wall to wall, from east to west, in a […]
Monday, August 18th 2014
As is the historical pattern concerning Israel, last week began the growing tsunami of groups – representing the United Nations, The Hague, the European Union, human rights groups, and other non-governmental organizations – announcing their intention to “investigate and review” the military actions under taken by Israel and Hamas during the past five weeks to […]
Tuesday, August 12th 2014 / Tuesday, September 9th 2014
The plethora of articles which are written on the Middle East conflict is disproportionate relative to all other conflicts all over the world. The Economist noted that there were more journalists dispatched to Israel than all of Asia and Africa combined. This anomaly on its own merits an analysis, however, the purpose here is to […]
Monday, August 11th 2014 / Monday, August 11th 2014
In the Hobbessian – "the war of all against all" – inferno called Gaza, ISIS is alive and well. Over the past decade, it has become clear that Hamas is not the only terrorist organization operating in the Gaza Strip, which has become a base for dozens of jihadi groups, some linked to Al-Qaeda and […]
Monday, August 11th 2014 / Tuesday, August 19th 2014
For me, the utmost revelatory moment of the Gaza war – as I write, in shaky recess on account of another doubtful ceasefire — came during the interview that Osama Hamdan, the official press spokesman for Hamas, gave to Lebanon’s Al-Quds television July 28 and that was picked up by CNN on August 4, just […]
Friday, August 8th 2014 / Friday, August 8th 2014
As the rockets again begin to fall on Israel after what looks like yet another Hamas-violated case-fire, the words of the great Prussian military theorist Carl von Clausewitz, come to mind. In his classic On War (1838), he said that the goal of war is “compulsory submission of the enemy to our will”, resulting in […]
Thursday, August 7th 2014 / Friday, June 12th 2015
On July 13, five days after Israel had launched Operation Protective Edge to shield its citizens from hundreds of missile strikes launched from the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, Jodi Rudoren of the New York Times wrote the following lead summing up the war to that point: JERUSALEM — So much here seems […]
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