Thursday, May 29th 2014 / Thursday, May 29th 2014
“Anti-Zionism became a significant element of the Soviet Union’s foreign policy toward the end of the 1940s. The Soviet leadership had supported Israel’s creation at the United Nations General Assembly in November 1947. They believed that Israel could become an ally in the Middle East. It rapidly turned out that this would not be the […]
Monday, May 26th 2014
Until now, Islamist rule has implied violence and dictatorship. Can it evolve into something decent? Put differently: If the brutality of Ruhollah Khomeini and Osama bin Laden marked them as yesterday’s men, and the autocracy of Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Mohammed Morsi make them today’s men, can tomorrow’s Islamists — Muslims seeking a consistent and […]
Friday, May 23rd 2014 / Friday, May 23rd 2014
The Russian-Ukranian conflict and resulting Russian-Western tensions may widen further for a long time to come. If so, this is likely to lead to substantial geopolitical changes. It is far too early to predict their impact on Israel, yet several important issues – besides what happens to Ukraine’s Jews – already require detailed monitoring by […]
Tuesday, May 13th 2014 / Tuesday, May 13th 2014
Perhaps the most insurmountable and explosive issue in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the so-called “right of return”—the demand that millions of Palestinians must be allowed to “return” to the State of Israel under any peace agreement. While Israel has made clear that it cannot agree to this, since it would effectively destroy Israel as a […]
Friday, May 9th 2014 / Friday, May 9th 2014
May 4 is National Memorial Day in the Netherlands. Originally, it was a remembrance day for the murdered and fallen during Germany’s occupation. In the past few years, the issue of memorializing the dead has been partly diluted and stripped of its significance. In several local memorial meetings, Jews are not mentioned specifically, even if […]
Thursday, May 8th 2014
Despite widespread predictions to the contrary, J Street failed dismally to gain admission into the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations (Presidents Conference). It was unable to obtain the constitutionally required two thirds majority and could not even muster a simple majority. Only a third of the constituents supported its affiliation. An embittered […]
Monday, May 5th 2014 / Thursday, May 15th 2014
In Loving Memory of Malca z”l Happy Birthday Israel! As Israel celebrates its 66th anniversary, the Jewish state is stronger today than ever before. From the ruins of Europe, the ashes of the gas chambers, the concentration camps, Egypt, Morocco, Poland, Russia, Romania and from dozens of other lands, the Jewish people have […]
Friday, April 25th 2014
It is clear that by the end of the month the Obama-Kerry peace initiative will be declared a failure. While the efforts may have been sincere, the lack of historical understanding and reading of the signs doomed these efforts from the beginning. Historically, what is prevalent among American foreign policy makers is the view […]
Wednesday, April 23rd 2014 / Thursday, April 24th 2014
It is a damning reflection on the civilized world that one rarely hears a word of condemnation of the criminal Palestinian society in which the murder of Jews is not only considered laudable, but has today effectively become a vehicle for achieving upward social mobility, both socially and financially. Let us relate hypothetically to […]
Thursday, April 17th 2014 / Thursday, April 24th 2014
The first idea that is expressed in the Jewish Passover is the certainty of freedom. With the Exodus a new age was brought about for humanity: one of redemption from slavery. If the Exodus had not taken place, the course of human history and human destiny would have been radically different. The redemption, the Geulah, […]
Monday, April 14th 2014 / Monday, April 14th 2014
The Passover story as told in the Haggadah recounts how Israel moved from darkness into light; from ignorance and a history of idolatry into freedom and glory. A permanent and a continuing saga, Passover is an event which eternally calls people of all generations to hope and anticipation of a new dawn. Indeed, the springtime […]
Friday, April 11th 2014
PART 1: Discovering the voice of King David in the Psalms When I was young but already taking myself seriously (some said, too seriously) as a Christian and a student of Bible it rarely occurred to me to read the Psalms. I associated Psalms either with daily devotional booklets (which seemed to provide the whole […]
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