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L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme


NSO Pegasus Spyware and the Emergence of Israel as a Surveillance State


Alex Traiman

JNS, Feb. 9, 2022

Over the past two years, several troubling policies and revelations have eroded individual rights along with public trust.”

Recent bombshell revelations that Israel Police have been using powerful NSO Pegasus software to hack the phones of private citizens, journalists and political officials are the latest in a series of controversial movements confirming Israel as an official surveillance state.

Israel has long been considered the only democracy in the Middle East. Yet personal privacy, along with limits on police overreach, no longer seems to be part of the Jewish state’s democratic principles.

Over the past two years, several troubling policies and revelations have eroded individual rights along with public trust.

Alex Traiman is CEO and Jerusalem bureau chief of Jewish News Syndicate.



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