Monday, June 17th 2013 / Wednesday, September 25th 2013
What would become CIJR began in my basement twenty-five years ago, with a hardy pro-Israel band responding to the media’s first intifada(1987-88) anti-Israel tilt towards the Palestinians. The organized Jewish community, seemingly paralyzed, was largely silent, and we filled the breach, rallying the community and beginning what would become, today, 25 years later, an […]
Tuesday, April 30th 2013 / Tuesday, November 19th 2013
Contents: Editorial Introduction l Articles l Perspectives l Links Editorial Introduction EDITORIAL INTRODUCTION Palestinian Member of Parliament and spokesperson Hanan Ashrawi posted a September 6, 2012 blog in the Huffington Post ( “Israel’s Cynical Definition of Refugee.”) accusing the Israeli government of being “cynical” and “hypocritical” in raising the issue of Jewish […]
Thursday, April 25th 2013 / Thursday, April 25th 2013
Canadian Muslims: A Plea to West Raheel Raza and Salim Mansur Clarion Project, Apr. 24, 2013 The recent discovery of terrorist plot to do a mass terror attack on a Via Rail passenger train out of Toronto by two Islamists, and their intent interdicted by joint Canadian and U.S. security agencies, eerily […]
A Brief History of Palestinian Prisoners Releases CHARLES BYBLEZER Jerusalem Post, Apr. 24, 2013 Last Wednesday [Apr. 17], Palestinians worldwide held protests to mark “Prisoner Day,” an annual event meant to highlight the alleged plight of, and to celebrate, Palestinian criminals and terrorists imprisoned in Israel. The matter has gained notoriety over […]
Wednesday, April 17th 2013 / Wednesday, April 17th 2013
Reallocating Canadian Aid To The Palestinians Charles Bybelezer Jerusalem Post, Apr. 13, 2013 Following last week’s expiration of Canada’s five-year, $300 million aid package to the Palestinian Authority, Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird announced that Ottawa would not renew its pledge prior to conducting “a dialogue to find out what their […]
Thursday, April 11th 2013 / Thursday, April 11th 2013
Théorêt, Hughes. Les Chemises bleues: Adrien Arcand, journaliste antisémite canadien-français. Sillery: Septentrion, 2012. 410 pp. ISBN : 978-2-89448-713-6 Review by: Ira Robinson, Concordia University One of the most controversial issues in the field of Canadian Jewish studies involves the nature of French Canadian antisemitism at the beginning of the twentieth century. It […]
Monday, April 8th 2013
Muslim anti-Semitism in Western Europe Manfred Gerstenfeld Tundra Tabloids, Feb. 20, 2013 European governments often avoid exposing Muslim anti-Semitism. In colonial times, Western racism far exceeded any other discrimination. With these guilt feelings, to accuse an immigrant minority group of having a high percentage of people who hate another minority – i.e., […]
Friday, April 5th 2013 / Thursday, April 25th 2013
Dr.Manfred Gerstenfeld: Has The Netherlands Gone Mad On Jewish Issues? Manfred Gerstenfeld Tundra Tabloids, Apr. 5, 2013 One has to wonder……. HAS THE NETHERLANDS GONE MAD ON JEWISH ISSUES? In February the Dutch national media “forgot” to report on a mainstream TV broadcast in which a number of Dutch Turkish youngsters […]
Wednesday, April 3rd 2013
Originally published in Israel Hayom, March 31, 2013 Oh, how we have compromised and conceded so much for the sake of peace with the Palestinians! Two decades ago, they told us that talking directly to the Palestine Liberation Organization was necessary for peace, despite that organization's monstrous terrorist record. Creating the first self-governing […]
Monday, March 25th 2013 / Wednesday, April 3rd 2013
THE SYRIAN CRISIS, THE ARAB SPRING AND OBAMA’S MIDDLE EAST POLICY Frederick Krantz As the US and the West continue to stand by, Syrian deaths in the now over two-year-long civil war surpass 70,000, a million barely-provided for people are external refugees in the […]
Wednesday, February 20th 2013 / Friday, February 22nd 2013
IN CANADA, TEACHING ZIONISM, ONE STUDENT AT A TIME Alexandra Markus Israel Campus Beat, February 11, 2013 Five years ago, Concordia University professor Frederick Krantz noticed a lack of preparedness among Jewish students when faced with the growing anti-Zionist fervor he witnessed on his campus. “Zionism was becoming a negative term and we […]
Thursday, January 24th 2013
Needed – War Against Jihadists Lawrence Solomon Originally published in The Financial Post, Jan 18, 2013 Two years ago, before President Obama and other Western leaders gave their blessing to the Arab Spring by calling for the ouster of Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, the Middle East was ruled mostly by secular dictators who […]
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