Isranet Daily Briefing
The Canadian Institute for Jewish Research sincerely thanks all those, presenters and audience members, who participated in yesterday’s (Sunday, November 6, 2011) remarkable and highly successful International Conference, “Combatting the Delegitimation of Israel.” The event brought together nine respected academics from a variety of fields to analyze, and devise strategies to overcome, the global […]
WE ALL MUST CONDEMN ISRAELI APARTHEID WEEK Editorial Prince Arthur Herald, March 3, 2011 This March, cities and university campuses around the world will take part in the 7th annual Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW)—a 13 day global event (in contrast to its name) aimed at attacking the state of Israel and […]
ISRAELI APARTHEID WEEK: POLITICAL THEATER AT ITS WORST Phyllis Chesler FrontPage Blog, March 8, 2011 The mob roars its hoarse, ear-splitting chants. “Death to the Jews,” “Death to Zionism,” “From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will be Free.” Keffiyas abound: On heads, over faces, around shoulders. The Arab “street” is […]
STILL FIGHTING IN CAIRO Mohamed El Dashan Foreign Policy, March 7, 2011 While the world turns its attention to the riveting drama in Libya…the revolution next door in Egypt is entering a new phase—one that is just as exhilarating and consequential as the protests that drove President Hosni Mubarak from power […]
NEVER FORGOTTEN Kathryn Blaze Carlson National Post, March 8, 2011 It has been 1,717 days since Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit was captured by Hamas, and Karnit Goldwasser is counting. Ms. Goldwasser—the stalwart widow whose two-year fight for the release of her kidnapped husband, Ehud, ended only when his body was returned […]
In anticipation of the Canadian Institute for Jewish Research’s upcoming Sunday, 6 November 2011 International Conference, “Combatting the Delegitimation of Israel,” this week’s Daily Briefings will focus on the global effort to demonize the lone democracy in the Middle East. The series will provide insight into the pervasive “soft war” being waged against the Jewish […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Le prédicateur égyptien Muhammad Abdu: Nous "nettoierons" notre terre des Juifs Dépêche, 1 novembre 2011 Ci-dessous des extraits d'une allocution du prédicateur égyptien Muhammad Abdu, diffusée sur Al-Hekma TV le 20 septembre 2011. Al-Hekma est une chaînée télévisée islamique basée en Egypte. Sa «mission stratégique», selon le […]
ATROCITY ROCKS ISRAEL P. David Hornik FrontPage Blog, March 14, 2011 On Friday night at least one terrorist broke into a family’s home in Itamar, a settlement in Samaria (part of the West Bank). The result was that a mother and father, Ruth and Udi Fogel (35 and 36), and three […]
MAKE NO MISTAKE: IRAN STILL SEEKS NUCLEAR WEAPONS Maseh Zarif Weekly Standard, March 7, 2011 U.S. and allied efforts to curb Iran’s developing nuclear capabilities are failing. Today, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) convenes its quarterly meeting, where Iran’s nuclear activities will once again be a key agenda item. The […]
IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO SAVE LIBYA Max Boot Wall Street Journal, March 16, 2011 I have not been one of those castigating President Obama for decreasing American power—either deliberately or inadvertently. His muscular policy in Afghanistan, for example, belies this charge. But there is no question that his weak, vacillating […]
PURIM 5771 Baruch Cohen In loving memory of Malca, z’l The Book of Esther has always been for Jews an allegory depicting the Jewish life and the Jewish lot among the nations. It is a book that conveys love for Jews, and for the tie that unites them. Purim became the […]
WAR BY GLOBAL COMMITTEE EditorialWall Street Journal, March 21, 2011 America’s founders gave the powers of Commander in Chief to the President because they knew that war had to be prosecuted with determination, discipline and the national interest foremost in mind. By marked contrast, the use of force against Libya looks like […]
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