Isranet Daily Briefing
Wednesday, December 14th 2011 / Wednesday, December 14th 2011
Weekly Quotes “Thomas L. Friedman’s ‘Israel Can’t Afford To Do Nothing’ (National Post, Dec.5, 2011) is a tissue of half-truths and misrepresentations. Despite agreeing that Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu was right, in disagreeing with President Obama last spring that the Cairo events were ushering in ‘a new era of liberalism and progress’, Friedman nevertheless […]
Wednesday, December 7th 2011
Media-ocrities of the Week “A distinction should be made between traditional anti-Semitism, which should be condemned, and Muslim hatred for Jews, which stems from the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.”—US Ambassador to Belgium, Howard Gutman, at a conference on anti-Semitism organized by the European Jewish Union, justifying Islamic Jew-hatred as a reasonable […]
Wednesday, November 23rd 2011
Media-ocrities of the Week “All three of us entirely agree on the objective, which is making sure that Iran does not weaponize nuclear power and that we don’t trigger a nuclear arms race in region.”—U.S. President Barack Obama, speaking in Hawaii at the conclusion of the Asia-Pacific leaders summit, proclaiming that the United States, […]
Friday, November 18th 2011 / Friday, November 18th 2011
CIJR again thanks Mme. Ginette Auger and Mr. Yves Archambault, owners of Montreal’s Le Marcheur shoestore, for their steadfast refusal to submit to the ongoing and vicious Boycotts, Divestments, Sanctions (BDS) campaign targeting their business, due to its sale of Israeli-made products. [VIDEO]
Wednesday, November 16th 2011
Media-ocrities of the Week “[US President Barack Obama] has a very close working relationship with Prime Minister Netanyahu.… Our record speaks very clearly about the president’s commitment to Israel, and he, again, I think, has maintained a very close working relationship with Prime Minister Netanyahu.…”—US Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes, in a “damage […]
Wednesday, October 26th 2011
Media-ocrity of the Week “It’s quite something, the prisoner swap between Hamas and the Israeli government that returns Gilad Shalit to his family, and more than 1,000 Palestinian prisoners to theirs. The deal is widely viewed as a victory for Hamas, the radical Islamist group that gained power in Gaza after years of frustration […]
Wednesday, October 19th 2011
Media-o-crity of the Week “We have concerns regarding reports that hundreds of Palestinian prisoners from the West Bank may be released to the Gaza Strip or abroad.… This may constitute forced transfer or deportation under international law.”—Rupert Colville, spokesman for UN High Commissioner for Human Rights NaviPillay, voicing the UN’s concern that as part […]
Wednesday, October 12th 2011
ISRAELI CABINET APPROVES DEAL: SHALIT TO RETURN HOME—(Jerusalem) Exactly 1,934 days after Hamas kidnapped Gilad Shalit near Kerem Shalom on the border with Gaza, the Israeli cabinet met in a dramatic meeting Tuesday night, approving a deal for his release. The cabinet vote brings an end to a saga that tortured the Shalit family—and the […]
Wednesday, October 5th 2011 / Wednesday, October 5th 2011
Media-o-crity of the Week “President Obama was considering clemency, but I told him, ‘Over my dead body are we going to let him out before his time.’ If it were up to me, he would stay in jail for life.”—US Vice President Joe Biden (President Obama’s chosen spokesman to the Jewish Community), in a […]
Wednesday, September 28th 2011
THE DAYS OF AWE: THE SHOFAR’S CALL, 5772 Baruch Cohen In the memory of beloved Malca z’l “Renew a steadfast spirit within me” Psalm 51:12 The Shofar blast during the High Holidays reminds us of the just and ethical values of Judaism; it reminds us of our commitments to building a better and […]
Tuesday, September 20th 2011 / Wednesday, November 16th 2011
Then Satan said: This beleaguered soul—[Israel] How can I subdue him? He has courage and skill And weapons and ingenuity and judgment. And he said: I will not take his strength. Nor fetter nor restrain him I will not weaken his will Nor dampen his spirit. This will I do: Dull his brain Until he […]
Wednesday, September 14th 2011 / Thursday, September 15th 2011
Weekly Quotes “I’m sending [U.S. Middle East envoys] David Hale and Dennis Ross back to the region in the next days to meet with both Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Abbas.… We all know that no matter what happens or doesn’t happen at the UN is not going to result [in] the kind of […]
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