Tuesday, February 28th 2012
Canadian Institute For Jewish Research & Congregation Shomrim Laboker Cordially Invite you to a COMMUNITY COLLOQUIUM Syria, Egypt and the “Arab Spring”: Israel’s Security Situation Featuring: Prof. Frederick Krantz, Chair (Concordia University), Prof. Harold Waller (McGill University), Prof. Norrin Ripsman (Concordia University) Sunday, March 4, 2012 at 9:30 a.m. Congregation […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
A LOOK AHEAD: THE RETURN OF THE ISRAEL APARTHEID WEEK CULT Jonathan Kay National Post, February 25, 2012 In Syria, the Assad regime continues to rain artillery on rebel positions in the city of Homs, killing journalists and innocent civilians alike. Iran’s mullahs are set to execute a Canadian citizen for the crime of operating […]
Monday, February 27th 2012 / Monday, February 27th 2012
CONDI’S LESSONS: Rick Richman Commentary, February 2012 The following is a review of Condoleezza Rice’s No Higher Honor: A Memoir Of My Years In Washington (Crown Publishers, 766 pages.) …Condoleezza Rice’s memoir of her service as national-security adviser and secretary of state…covers a decade, starting in 1999 when she joined George W. Bush’s presidential campaign […]
Friday, February 24th 2012
THE BIG LIE RETURNS Ben Cohen Commentary, February 2012 A blurb on a book jacket would seem an unlikely vehicle for the introduction of a new and sinister tactic in the promotion of an ancient prejudice. But in September 2011, a word of appreciation on the cover of The Wandering Who launched a fresh chapter […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
«ÉVENTUELLEMENT, TOUTE L’HUMANITÉ SERA DES RÉFUGIÉS PALESTINIENS» Daniel Pipes The Washington Times, 21 février 2012 Version originale anglaise: “Eventually, All Humans Will Be Palestine Refugees” Adaptation française: Anne-Marie Delcambre de Champvert De toutes les questions qui agitent le conflit israélo-arabe, il n'en est pas de plus centrale, de plus pernicieuse, de plus primordiale, […]
Friday, February 24th 2012 / Friday, February 24th 2012
The Canadian Institute for Jewish Research is offering an exciting Summer Internship opportunity to develop your research talents, under professional guidance, on Israel and Middle East Studies. CIJR is a unique, independent, Montreal-based and internationally respected academic think-tank. The Institute is devoted to bringing objective, up-to-date data on and analysis of Israel, the Middle […]
Thursday, February 23rd 2012
OBAMA URGED TO ACT ON SYRIA Weekly Standard, February 17, 2012 The following is a letter written by a group of foreign policy professionals to U.S. President Barack Obama regarding the situation in Syria. Dear Mr. President: For eleven months now, the Syrian people have been dying on a daily basis at the hands of […]
Wednesday, February 22nd 2012
Media-ocrity of the Week “I don’t have an assessment yet. I’m not sure I’ll ever answer that question in the way you’ve just framed it.”—Jodi Rudoren, the incoming New York Times Jerusalem Bureau Chief, responding to whether she thinks Israel is an apartheid state. When asked if she is a Zionist, Rudoren answered, “I’m […]
Tuesday, February 21st 2012
As we enthusiastically follow the “Arab Spring” overthrow of Arab tyrants and dictators, we think, and hope, that “the Arab street” is calling out for democracy and human rights, and that Arab societies are becoming more humane civil societies. But our enthusiasm and expectations are based less on an understanding of the Middle East and […]
Yesterday, the White House announced that Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will meet with US President Barack Obama in Washington on March 5. The encounter between the two leaders will take place against the backdrop of a flurry of reports about the possibility of an Israeli military strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities. To […]
Monday, February 20th 2012
THE DIASPORA IDF Israel Kasnett Jerusalem Post, February 17, 2012 This week is the eighth annual Israeli Apartheid Week—the start of an annual campaign that seeks to delegitimize Israel and, according to the official website, “educate people about the nature of Israel as an apartheid system and to build Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaigns […]
Friday, February 17th 2012
On December 20, 2011, Salva Kiir, president of South Sudan, embarked on his first foreign voyage as leader of the infant country. His destination? The Jewish state of Israel. President Shimon Peres hailed the visit as a “moving and historic moment,” saying “Israel has supported and will continue to support [South Sudan] in all […]
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