Isranet Daily Briefing
Monday, June 11th 2012 / Tuesday, June 12th 2012
Today, the Canadian Institute for Jewish Research is holding its 24th Anniversary Gala. Keynoting the event is Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Ron Prosor, recently elected to serve as one of the vice presidents for September’s 67th General Assembly, only the third Israeli diplomat ever bestowed such an honor. Renowned British journalist Melanie Phillips, […]
Monday, June 11th 2012 / Monday, June 11th 2012
CIJR’S 24TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATES A BANNER YEAR! Frederick Krantz The Canadian Institute for Jewish Research’s twenty-fourth anniversary marks a banner year of solid achievements, enabling us to look forward to an even more significant quarter-century celebration in 2013. For openers, we have increased our Canada-wide reach by instituting an active Toronto Chapter, co-chaired by […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Friday, June 8th 2012 / Tuesday, June 26th 2012
COMMENT LA BARBARIE S'INSTALLE EN FRANCE Ivan Rioufol, 4 juin 2012 [Le 4 juin dernier], les mouvements antiracistes n’avaient toujours pas fait connaître leurs réactions à l’information, connue depuis hier : samedi soir, à Villeurbanne (Rhône), trois jeunes juifs portant la kippa ont été agressés par une dizaine d’individus qui les ont frappés […]
Thursday, June 7th 2012 / Friday, June 8th 2012
CIJR GOES INTERNATIONAL ENTERING 25TH YEAR Janice Arnold Canadian Jewish News, June 1, 2012 In a cluttered, cramped downtown office, Alex Enescu, a Romanian-born, non-Jewish Concordia University student, and 92-year-old Baruch Cohen, a survivor of the Romanian Holocaust, are colleagues. They work at the Canadian Institute for Jewish Research (CIJR), both, in their own way, […]
Thursday, June 7th 2012 / Thursday, June 7th 2012
JUNE 7, 1967: JERUSALEM REUNIFIED On June 7, 1967, exactly 45 years ago today, Israel Defense Forces paratroopers advanced through the Old City towards the Western Wall, bringing Jerusalem’s holiest site under Jewish control for the first time in 2,000 years. The leader of the brigade, Lt. General Mordechai (Motta) Gur, communicated the […]
Thursday, June 7th 2012
Lehman, Marjorie. The En Yaakov: Jacob ibn Habib’s Search for Faith in the Talmudic Corpus. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2012. xi + 319 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8143-3480-5. It is most often taken for granted that rabbinic Judaism, out of which all present day interpretations of Judaism developed, is based on the writings of the […]
Wednesday, June 6th 2012 / Wednesday, June 6th 2012
LEST WE FORGET: D-DAY, JUNE 6, 1944, THE ALLIED INVASION OF W. EUROPE BEGINS Preparations: Forty-seven divisions, two million men were massed in Britain; fifty-seven million square feet of British storage area were filled with supplies for the invasion, including ca. half a million tons of ammunition. Two huge floating “Mulberry Harbours,” sunk in […]
Tuesday, June 5th 2012 / Tuesday, June 5th 2012
TURKISH TIES Editorial Jerusalem Post, May 29, 2012 The decision this week by Istanbul’s Seventh Criminal Court to seek prison terms totaling over 18,000 years for four former IDF commanders may or may not have been timed to coincide with the second anniversary of the May 31 Mavi Marmara debacle. But many have used the […]
Monday, June 4th 2012 / Friday, June 8th 2012
There is no question that international sanctions against Iran are hurting. Andrew Torchia in “Analysis: Iran Economy Could Limp Along under Sanctions” notes that sanctions are shrinking Iran’s economy and pushing up inflation. Will that be enough to dissuade Iran from pursuing its nuclear ambitions? Torchia doubts that it will. Even though they are, […]
Monday, June 4th 2012 / Monday, June 4th 2012
GLORIFYING TERROR Editorial Jerusalem Post, May 31, 2012 In another surreal development on our scene, Israel delivered 91 corpses of Arab terrorists to the Palestinian Authority [last] Thursday. This was part of a “confidence- building” measure by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to PA President Mahmoud Abbas, geared to encourage Abbas to return to negotiations. In […]
Friday, June 1st 2012 / Tuesday, June 26th 2012
Compter les réfugiés de Palestine? Daniel Pipes National Review Online, 29 mai 2012 Adaptation française: Anne-Marie Delcambre de Champvert Le cœur fétide et sombre de la guerre des Arabes contre Israël, ai-je longuement argumenté, ne réside pas dans les litiges sur Jérusalem, les points de contrôle, ou les "colonies". Il concerne plutôt les soi-disant réfugiés […]
Friday, June 1st 2012 / Friday, June 1st 2012
THE EICHMANN EFFECT Allan Gould National Post, June 1, 2012 Today, the first of June, marks exactly 50 years since one of the most infamous men of the past century, Adolf Eichmann, was hung by the State of Israel—the first and only time that the death penalty was civilly imposed in that country.… As a […]
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