Isranet Daily Briefing
Wednesday, July 11th 2012 / Wednesday, July 11th 2012
Media-ocrities of the Week “[Last week], the [US] State Department announced that Secretary of State [Hillary] Clinton was leaving on a trip to ‘France, Japan, Mongolia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Egypt and Israel.…’ In a State Department press conference, a reporter posed a ‘logistical’ question to Director Patrick Ventrell: ‘QUESTION: For every single country [Clinton […]
Tuesday, July 10th 2012 / Tuesday, July 10th 2012
“…It appears that…advocates of a continued American military presence in Iraq were right to warn of the dangers of withdrawal. The Associated Press reports from Baghdad: ‘June was the second-deadliest month since U.S. troops withdrew from Iraq in mid-December as insurgents exploited the political struggles between the country’s ethnic and sectarian factions. More significant than […]
Monday, July 9th 2012
UN-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan announced on Monday that a new framework has been reached with President Bashar Assad to end the violence in Syria. “We agreed on an approach which I will share with the armed opposition,” Annan said following a two-hour meeting with Assad which he described as “candid and constructive.” Annan’s […]
Friday, July 6th 2012 / Friday, July 6th 2012
REMEMBERING ENTEBBE Larry Domnitch FrontPage, July 4, 2012 It took Israeli commandos minutes to conduct one of the greatest and most daring rescue missions in modern history, in Entebbe, Uganda, on July 4, 1976. During those brief fateful moments, good triumphed over evil; the innocent were saved and the terrorists who threatened them were routed. […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Thursday, July 5th 2012 / Friday, July 6th 2012
QUE SE PASSERAIT-IL APRÈS UNE ATTAQUE ISRAÉLIENNE CONTRE L'IRAN? Daniel Pipes The Washington Times, 26 juin 2012 Adaptation française: Anne-Marie Delcambre de Champvert Comment les Iraniens réagiraient-ils à une attaque israélienne contre leur infrastructure nucléaire? Les réponses à cette prévision sont de la plus grande importance, concernant non seulement Jérusalem et la […]
Thursday, July 5th 2012 / Thursday, July 5th 2012
HERE COMES THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF EGYPT Michael Freund Jerusalem Post, June 27, 2012 The Middle East took a sharp turn for the worse [last] week with the ascension to power of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. In what was perhaps the worst possible outcome for Israel and the West, Mohamed Morsy, the Brotherhood’s presidential […]
Wednesday, July 4th 2012 / Wednesday, July 4th 2012
Media-ocrity of the Week “If the responsibility to protect is to attain legitimacy as an application of international law, it must be applicable everywhere, in particular the situation of prolonged occupation that prevails in the occupied Palestinian territory.”—UN special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in “Palestine”, Richard Falk, in a 16-page report […]
Tuesday, July 3rd 2012 / Tuesday, July 3rd 2012
Former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir died on Saturday at a nursing home in Herzliya at the age of 96. Born Yitzhak Jazernicki in Poland in 1915, he moved to mandatory Palestine in 1935 and joined Lehi, the most hard-line of three Jewish movements resisting British authorities. After Israel’s independence in 1948, Shamir […]
Friday, June 29th 2012
“DUMINICA ACEIA” REMEMBER: YASSI, JUNE 28-29, 1941 Baruch Cohen In memory of the victims of the Yassi Pogrom “Please leave me my son if you are taking my husband.… Son and husband were both taken and killed.”—Leah Haimovich, a Yassi Survivor. What happened in the city of Yassi (Iasi) in June 1941 epitomizes the millennia-old […]
Thursday, June 28th 2012 / Thursday, June 28th 2012
BRINKMANSHIP, TABOOS: BEHIND THE SCENES OF FAILED IRAN NUCLEAR TALKS Barak Ravid Haaretz, June 21, 2012 Iranian stalling tactics, veiled threats from the six powers, an odd PowerPoint presentation about religious rulings by Iranian spiritual leader Ali Khamenei, and nary a word about Israel: That is some of what happened behind closed doors at Moscow’s […]
Thursday, June 28th 2012 / Friday, June 29th 2012
LES FRÈRES MUSULMANS ET LE DOUBLE JEU Dore Gold Le CAPE de Jérusalem, 26 juin 2012 Avant même la déclaration annonçant officiellement les résultats des élections présidentielles et la victoire de Mohamed Morsi, plusieurs observateurs ont tenté d’analyser les retombées d’un pouvoir islamiste en Égypte, dans le pays arabe le plus influent de la […]
Wednesday, June 27th 2012
Media-ocrities of the Week “Israel claims the [targeted Palestinians] were about to launch a rocket over the border from Gaza. Hamas of Gaza denies that, but retaliatory rocket attacks were launched from Gaza after the Israeli strike. They were the first rockets fired from Gaza in more than a year.…”—Canadian Broadcasting Corporation news anchor […]
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