Isranet Daily Briefing
Wednesday, August 15th 2012 / Thursday, August 16th 2012
Contents: Weekly Quotes; Short Takes; On Topic Links Media-ocrity of the Week "Firearms! Can it be considered normal that people turn firearms on police? It's unacceptable … law and order must be restored," France's Interior Minister Manuel Valls told a news conference, upon a visit to Amiens in northern France, adding that […]
Tuesday, August 14th 2012 / Wednesday, August 15th 2012
Contents: Tunisia's Culture War: Salafists Run Amok October of last year, Tunisia held national elections for a ' constituent assembly' – a legislative body mandated to re-write the Tunisian constitution for the post-Ben Ali era. Is the Much Celebrated Arab Spring Coming To An End? The rising Islamist tide may recede sooner than expected […]
Monday, August 13th 2012 / Tuesday, August 14th 2012
Contents Livni’s Haredi Chutzpa The chutzpa of former Kadima leader Tzipi Livni knows no bounds. In an interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour this week, she slammed the Likud and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for “selling the state to the ultra-Orthodox.” Haredi draft bill: A historic missed opportunity The breakdown between Likud and Kadima over drafting […]
Friday, August 10th 2012 / Friday, August 10th 2012
WHY I'VE ALWAYS WRITTEN SO MUCH WITH SUCH INTENSITY AND WHY I WON'T STOP NOW. Barry Rubin Rubin Reports, August 4, 2012 Nothing is stranger than having a normal life and then within a few hours knowing that it might end at almost any moment. That’s what happened to me when I was just […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Thursday, August 9th 2012 / Thursday, August 9th 2012
LE MONDE ARABE EST EN PHASE D’EFFONDREMENT TOTAL Guy Millière, 2 août 2012 Le discours de Mitt Romney à Jérusalem, et les déclarations à la presse qui l’ont accompagné n’en finissent décidément pas de faire des vagues. Mitt Romney a parlé du fait que le développement économique et la liberté qui règnent […]
Thursday, August 9th 2012
THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD'S PATIENT JIHAD Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik Jewish Ideas Daily, July 25, 2012 Mohamed Morsi’s recent election as president of Egypt has proved a matter of concern. A candidate from the radical Islamist Muslim Brotherhood, many fear that Morsi’s victory, along with the Brotherhood’s parliamentary successes, will threaten Egyptian-Israeli peace. […]
THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD – IN ITS OWN WORDS Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik Palestinian Media Watch, Aug. 3, 2012 (The complete translation in pdf format) A member of the Muslim Brotherhood is now the president of Egypt. What does the Muslim Brotherhood stand for? What are its beliefs, opinions and goals? In order […]
Wednesday, August 8th 2012 / Wednesday, August 8th 2012
Media-ocrity of the Week ISRAEL’S FADING DEMOCRACY Avraham Burg “Mr. Netanyahu’s great political “achievement” has been to make Israel a partisan issue and push American Jews into a corner. He has forced them to make political decisions based on calculations that go against what they perceive to be American interests. The emotional […]
Tuesday, August 7th 2012 / Tuesday, August 7th 2012
TIME IS SHORT FOR IRAN DIPLOMACY Michael Oren Wall Street Journal, Aug. 6, 2012 Nearly two decades ago, Israel started alerting the world about Iran’s nuclear program. But the world ignored our warnings, wasting 10 years until the secret nuclear enrichment plant at Natanz was exposed in 2002. Then eight more invaluable years were […]
Monday, August 6th 2012
BREAKING NEWS SYRIA PM DEFECTS, JOINS OPPOSITION Syrian Prime Minister Riyad Hijab defected on Monday to Jordan and is now said to be heading to Qatar: “I announce today my defection from the killing and terrorist regime and I announce that I have joined the ranks of the freedom and dignity revolution. […]
Friday, August 3rd 2012 / Friday, August 3rd 2012
Being a confident Zionist isn’t merely an expression of a political worldview or Jewish values. It’s an approach to life that can permeate and improve all aspects of our lives, especially our relationships: with our bosses, our family members—and especially our romantic partners. In honor of Tu B’Av on August 3, sometimes called […]
LE REMARQUABLE DISCOURS DE MITT ROMNEY À JÉRUSALEM Daniel Pipes, 29 juillet 2012 Adaptation française: Anne-Marie Delcambre de Champvert Mitt Romney, le candidat officiel républicain à la présidentielle, a prononcé un discours passionné à la Fondation de Jérusalem aujourd'hui, enveloppant d'un soutien affectif les déclarations de franche politique. Le contraste avec le […]
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