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Isranet Daily Briefing
Tuesday, August 24th 2021 / Tuesday, August 24th 2021
What Went Wrong in Afghanistan?: WSJ, Aug. 21, 2021 –– We Americans like to deceive ourselves. We want to believe there is good war and bad war. World War II was a good war, varnished with the patina of history. Vietnam was a bad war, its reality overridden by popular cultural narratives. Once, in the […]
Monday, August 23rd 2021 / Monday, August 23rd 2021
Internal State Department Cable Warned of Kabul Collapse: Vivian Salama, WSJ, Aug. 19, 2021 — An internal State Department memo last month warned top agency officials of the potential collapse of Kabul soon after the U.S.’s Aug. 31 troop withdrawal deadline in Afghanistan, according to a U.S. official and a person familiar with the document. […]
Friday, August 20th 2021 / Friday, August 20th 2021
Hans Morgenthau: Henry A. Kissinger, Henry A., July 23, 1980 Memorial Remarks for Hans Morgenthau Hans Morgenthau was my teacher. And he was my friend. I must say that at the outset because so many obituaries have stressed his disagreement with policies with which I have become identified. We knew each other for a […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Citation de la semaine: Dans ce monde où tout change, il est aisé d’acquérir, mais conserver est presque un miracle. Citation de Victor Cherbuliez ; Le roman d’une honnête femme (1865) La victoire talibane encourage tous les djihadistes du Moyen-Orient Dan Arkin, 16 août 2021 Israël et la région testent de la détermination des Etats-Unis après […]
Thursday, August 19th 2021 / Thursday, August 19th 2021
Biden Could Have Stopped the Taliban. He Chose Not To.: Frederick W. Kagan, NY Times, Aug. 12, 2021 — The Taliban is sweeping across Afghanistan seizing more than a dozen provincial capitals in the past week, and is poised to seize more. _________________________________________________ For Further Reference: Press Briefing on Afghanistan by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg: […]
Wednesday, August 18th 2021
Longtime Montreal Rabbi Howard Joseph Passes Away: Dan Verbin, Arutz Sheva, Aug. 17, 2021 — Rabbi Howard Joseph, who served as the spiritual leader of Montreal’s Spanish and Portuguese Congregation – the oldest synagogue in Canada – for four decades, has passed away. MEDIA-OCRITIES OF THE WEEK Biden Says Kabul’s Fall to Taliban ‘Not Inevitable’ as Fighting […]
Monday, August 16th 2021
Gen. Keane Blasts ‘Ill-Conceived, Embarrassing’ Afghanistan Retreat: Fox News, Aug. 13, 2021 — Fox News senior strategic analyst Gen. Jack Keane questions why an evacuation is happening in the heart of the Mideast fighting season. Former Israeli Ambassador Warns: Fall of Afghanistan Shows Israel Must Rely on Itself: Algemeiner, Aug. 15, 2021 — A former […]
Monday, August 16th 2021 / Monday, August 16th 2021
Afghan President Ghani Flees as Taliban Enters Kabul: Haaretz, Aug. 17, 2021 — Taliban insurgents entered Afghanistan’s capital Kabul on Sunday and an official said President Ashraf Ghani had left the city for Tajikistan, capping the militants’ lightning push for power. The Afghan Military Was Built Over 20 Years. How Did It Collapse So Quickly?: […]
Friday, August 13th 2021 / Friday, August 13th 2021
Sura and Pumbedita: Stephen Schecter, New English Review, February 2019 — As soon as I came across those names in a book about the history of the Jews, I was entranced. Sura and Pumbedita, I murmured to myself, imagining them as fabled and gabled as that Ur whence Abraham ventured forth. Here his progeny had returned some fifteen […]
Citation de la semaine: « Il n’est jamais trop tard pour être en retard » Anonyme Burns, CIA : l’Amérique envisage les alternatives à l’accord nucléaire LAHAV HARKOV, 9 AOUT La première réunion des chefs de la CIA et du Mossad en Israël est cruciale YONAH JEREMY BOB,10 AOUT 2021 L’Iran a toute une gamme […]
Thursday, August 12th 2021 / Thursday, August 12th 2021
10 Key Findings About Jewish Americans: Becka A. Alper and Alan Cooperman, PEW Research Center, May 11, 2021 — Jews in the United States are on the whole less religious than the overall public, at least by standard measures used in surveys. But Jewish Americans participate in a wide range of culturally Jewish activities as […]
Wednesday, August 11th 2021 / Wednesday, August 11th 2021
As Covid Surges in Florida, DeSantis Refuses to Change Course: Patricia Mazzei, NY Times, Aug. 8, 2021“ ‘We know this is something you’re going to have to live with”, Mr. DeSantis said [prompting] a testy back and forth…with Mr. Biden. The governor accused the president of ‘helping facilitate’ the virus spread by not securing the U.S. border with […]
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