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Isranet Daily Briefing
Monday, February 6th 2023 / Saturday, December 2nd 2023
ANCIENT ROOTS How the Ancient Jewish ‘New Year For Trees’ Became An Israeli Celebration Of Nature: Shay Rabineau, Times of Israel, Feb. 4, 2023 — As a professor who researches Israel’s extensive network of hiking trails, I’ve spent many days and nights in the field, walking long-distance routes and sleeping under the stars. Like […]
Lawrence Kadish Gatestone Institute, Feb. 3, 2023 “That’s what’s scary, is that it seems like he funds corrosion, it’s like he wants these cities to fall apart, he wants crime to flourish, it’s almost like he’s an evil person in a Batman movie” According to published reports, George Soros is teaching college courses […]
Haaretz, Jan. 26, 2023 “MCC has been tapped by the Orban government to be a key forum for shaping a new conservative elite,” The Israeli media is controlled by radical leftists disconnected from the political mainstream, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s son Yair told attendees at a media conference in Budapest on Wednesday at a […]
Matt Palumbo NY Post, Jan. 25, 2023 “As is standard for fact-checkers on politically charged topics, their articles read as if the conclusions were written first, and the arguments second.” It’s not enough for George Soros to fund the media and encourage stories that back up his point of view — he has to make sure […]
Matt Palumbo NY Post, Jan. 23, 2023 “Soros dished out at least $131 million to influence at least 253 journalism and activist media groups to promote far-left views on abortion, economics, the police, environmentalism, LGBT ideology, and anti-Americanism.” A new report from the Media Research Center has exposed connections between billionaire liberal financier George […]
Friday, February 3rd 2023 / Saturday, December 2nd 2023
SHABBAT READING Amalek: A Pawn in the Rivalry Between Saul and David’s Legacy: Dr. Gili Kugler, The, Mar. 9, 2022 — Soon after their departure from Egypt, the Israelites are attacked at Rephidim by the Amalekites, a semi-nomadic people (Exod 17:8).[1] After the Israelites defeat their attackers,[2] YHWH paradoxically commands Moses to write […]
Jerry C. Davis WSJ, Jan. 26, 2023 “America was divided then, and it is divided now. This resolution, which is 50 years overdue, acknowledges this stain on American honor.” The Vietnam War ended with the signing of the Paris Peace Accords on Jan. 27, 1973. More than 50,000 Americans were killed in the war, and […]
Gershom Gorenberg, The VVA Veteran, January/February 2012 “Israel will not be alone unless it decides to go alone.” In other words: Don’t attack; we can’t back you up.” “You will certainly note,” Hal Saunders said, “that we had another problem on the other side of the world.” Saunders spoke in the quiet voice of […]
Dominic Sandbrook UnHerd, Jan. 23, 2023 “… some decided not only that American intervention in Vietnam had been a mistake, but that all interventions abroad must be illegitimate or misguided. American isolationism has a long history, but never has it enjoyed a bigger boost than it did in the early Seventies.” In the course of his troubled presidency, […]
Barton Swain WSJ, Jan. 20, 2023 “… in his view, America won—only in a different way. We stopped communism, which didn’t advance in Indochina any further than it reached in 1975.” When I was a teenager in the 1980s, popular culture had basically one message on the Vietnam War: that it was conceived in American arrogance, […]
Mara Oliva The Conversation, Jan. 9, 2023 “Military and government officials in both the Bush and Obama administrations deliberately misrepresented conditions in Afghanistan to appease an American public opinion suffering from war fatigue.” 2023 marks the 50th anniversary of the US withdrawal from Vietnam and the war still casts long shadows over American life. The cost […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Thursday, February 2nd 2023 / Tuesday, October 31st 2023
Citation de la semaine: « Le terrorisme est exécuté délibérément, de sang-froid et de manière calculée. Les objectifs déclarés du terroriste peuvent changer d’un endroit à l’autre. Il est censé se battre pour remédier à des injustices – sociales, religieuses, nationales, raciales. Mais pour tous ces problèmes, sa seule solution est la démolition de la […]
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