CIJR | Canadian Institute for Jewish Research
L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme

Isranet Daily Briefing


The Fall of the Ivory Tower: American Education Is Failing:  Everett Piper, Washington Times, July 23, 2023
American Anthropological Association Boycott of Israel will be to its Detriment – Opinion:  Asaf Romirowsky, Jerusalem Post, July 30, 2023
Ethnic Studies Group Is Teaching Anti-Israel Hatred; Some School Districts Are Saying Yes Max Samarov, Algemeiner, July 19, 2023
Why Would Hasidic Parents Send Their Kids to Failing Schools?: Frieda Vizel, Tablet, July 17, 2023

Yeshiva University logo.jpg – Wikimedia Commons

Yeshiva University Launches Jewish Studies Program for Christian Students:  Zvika Klein, Jerusalem Post, July 18, 2023 — Why would a Jewish university launch a Jewish studies program for Christian students? 
Education Dept. Opens Civil Rights Inquiry into Harvard’s Legacy Admissions Michael D. Shear and Anemona Hartocollis, NY Times, July 25, 2023 — The Education Department has opened a civil rights investigation into Harvard University’s legacy admissions policy, inserting the federal government directly into a fierce national debate about wealth, privilege and race after the Supreme Court gutted the use of affirmative action in higher education.
The Case for Legacy Admissions:  James Hankins, WSJ, July 19, 2023 — In my 38 years teaching at Harvard, I have only twice met members of Harvard’s governing boards, both at dinners.
How ‘Progressive Discipline’ Turned Ontario Schools into a Battleground:  Ari Blaff, National Review, Mar. 2, 2023  — A 200-pound Ontario middle schooler was getting ready to pummel his classmate when a group of teachers escorted him to an office where they hoped to calm him down — instead, he proceeded to ram into the two adults, a man and a woman, for the better part of an hour, leaving them shaken and bruised. He never faced any consequences.
Arizona State University Loses Top Donor, Faces Probe from Lawmakers:  Eric Lendrum, American Greatness, July 17, 2023 –Arizona State University (ASU) is facing two major crises at once, staring down the barrel of an investigation from the state legislature while at least one top donor has withdrawn his funding.

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