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Isranet Daily Briefing
Thursday, April 27th 2023 / Thursday, April 27th 2023
The Wagner Files: David Patrikarakos, UnHerd, Apr. 26, 2023 Inside The Stunning Growth of Russia’s Wagner Group: Erin Banco, SARAH Anne Aarup and Anastasiia Carrier, Politico, Feb. 18, 2023 Sudan: Russia’s Wagner Group and the Grab for Power and Gold: Philip Obaji Jr., DW, Apr. 26, 2023 Leaked US Military Document Reveals Russia’s Wagner Mercenary Group Tried to Buy Weapons […]
Erin Banco, Sarah Anne Aarup and Anastasiia Carrier Politico, Feb. 18, 2023 “… a monthslong investigation by POLITICO revealed exclusive new details about how Prigozhin’s network, which includes Wagner, has grown into a far-reaching international military and political influence operation.” American and European allies are mobilizing to thwart the rapid expansion of the Russian paramilitary group known […]
David Patrikarakos UnHerd, Apr. 26, 2023 “Things have not gone well for Russia in Ukraine, which is why Surovikin was replaced, and Prigozhin has repeatedly publicly criticised the Ministry of Defence for its performance — he ridiculed the regular army, claiming his own Wagner units were far superior.” The Wagner Group might be a […]
Zachary Cohen and Jennifer Hansler CNN, Apr. 12, 2023 “Representatives from the Wagner Group appear to have met with their Turkish contacts just one month after Erdogan’s calls with Putin and Zelensky took place, according to the leaked Pentagon document.” A Russian paramilitary group fighting in Ukraine on behalf of Vladimir Putin attempted to buy weapons […]
Philip Obaji Jr. DW, Apr. 26, 2023 “All the while, this corrupt scheme involving the Wagner Group and the military government has been supervised by Hemeti. It always felt like both men [Hemeti and Burhan] were never on the same page regarding how to do business with Wagner.” “The Russians buy almost everything,” Omar Sheriff, […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Citation de la semaine: « Quand Israël sera hors de danger, je choisirai parmi les Juifs et mes voisins arabes, ceux qui me sont frères par les idées. Aujourd’hui, je me dois d’être solidaire avec tous les miens, même ceux que je déteste, au nom de cet ennemi insurmontable : le RACISME. Descartes avait tort […]
Wednesday, April 26th 2023
WEEKLY QUOTES “This year, more than ever, on the Memorial Day for the brave of our nation, we will remember that we are brothers: Jews, Druze, Muslims, Bedouin, Christians and Circassians. Brothers in service, brothers in arms, brothers in blood. This is the true spirit of our people. Together, we will […]
Tuesday, April 25th 2023
BEING BROTHERS Israeli Leaders Speak Out On Memorial Day: Rachel Avraham, JNS, Apr. 25, 2023 — Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whose brother Lt. Col. Yonatan Netanyahu was killed in action during the Entebbe rescue raid in 1976, released a short video on Facebook for this year’s Memorial Day. ———————————————————————————————- Israel: Home of Hope (animated video: Rabbi […]
Liel Leibovitz Tablet, Apr. 19, 2023 “Israelis must now decide if they want a state for Jews, or a Jewish state.” Having just returned from Israel, the country where I was born and grew up, and of which I am still a proud citizen, I apologize for being the bearer of bad news: There […]
Peter Berkowitz Real Clear Politics, Apr. 23, 2023 “The deep crisis of 2023 endangers the Israeli miracle. It threatens to erase our sensational achievements and leave us homeless.” In early January, just days after the swearing-in of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government but without preparing the nation, Justice Minister Yariv Levin announced an […]
Gil Troy AIJAC, Mar 31, 2023 “Weizmann understood that your home offers identity, not just shelter.” On April 26, everyone toasting Israel’s 75th anniversary – by the Jewish calendar – will be dancing through history. The ancient love story between the Jewish people and their homeland, the Land of Israel, goes back 3,500 years […]
David Hazony Jewish Journal, Apr. 20, 2023 “These two camps have been struggling for power for generations. The names and explicit causes change. The underlying dynamic does not.” It took the United States of America 74 years to get from its constitutional birth in 1787 to the Civil War in 1861. It took […]
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