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The Navy Shuffle: Mixed Signals with Biden Visit to Israel

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J.E. Dyer
The Optimistic Conservative, Oct. 17, 2023

“Ominously, for reportedly the first time in history, Iran raised a “black flag” over the iconic Imam Reza shrine on Tuesday, a move with potentially apocalyptic overtones given the significance of Imam Reza, or the “8th Imam,” to Shia Islam.”
The signals being sent with President Biden’s visit to Israel on Wednesday may not be that mixed.  It remains to be seen.  But if they trend less mixed, we should be concerned that their purpose is to limit Israel’s options.

With little time tonight, I will concentrate on one aspect of the signal-sending.  There’s more than one pointing in the same direction, but other writers are covering those aspects very competently.  It’s the import of major U.S. naval movements that stands out to me and requires brief commentary.

To set the scene, here’s a look at a report out on 16 October that U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin “warned Israel against an escalation against Hezbollah at this time.”

The source isn’t specified, but the reporting site is the UK-based Britain Israel Communications and Research Centre (BICOM), a think-tank with a high reputation.   BICOM has evinced UK and Israeli ministry of defence connections in previous reporting, and probably has valid insight here.

 [To read the full article, click here]

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