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Tuesday, October 3rd 2023 / Thursday, November 2nd 2023
Emad Mekay IBA Middle East, no date “The biggest game changer may be the almost certain ascent of the 31-year old Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to the Saudi throne.” As countries in the Middle East move to re-position themselves to face new perceived threats, a major new alliance, and one previously considered […]
Colonel Richard Kemp Ynet News, Sept. 30, 2023 “Economic benefits accruing from normalisation are high up on Saudi’s agenda, but its top priority is security and regime stability, upon which all else depends.” Many commentators believe that official diplomatic recognition might flounder on the Palestinian issue, with Saudi demanding compromises that Israel cannot meet. […]
Jerusalem Post staff et al Jerusalem Post, Sept. 30, 2023 “Saudi Arabia would not settle for less than binding assurances of US protection if it faced attack, such as the Sept. 14, 2019 missile strikes on its oil sites that rattled world markets.” A ‘basic framework’ is in place for a peace deal between Israel […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
Friday, September 29th 2023 / Wednesday, November 1st 2023
________________________________________________________ SHABBAT READING Is Kohelet’s Wisdom Vanity of Vanities?: Prof. Rabbi Marty Lockshin, The, Sept. 2023 — The Mishnah (m. Yadayim 3:5) makes clear that the inclusion of Kohelet (Ecclesiastes) in the biblical Canon engendered more opposition than other biblical books.[1] Unfortunately, we don’t have a detailed record of the rabbinic discussions about Kohelet, pro and […]
Friday, September 29th 2023 / Thursday, November 2nd 2023
S.Y. Agnon Tablet, Sept. 25, 2015 “Rabban Gamliel purchased an etrog for one thousand zuz, and the sages did not even specify whether it was beautiful or not, and you set aside the choicest of etrogs on account of a few shillings?” To witness how precious the mitzvah of Etrog is to the Jewish people […]
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks Aish, no date “How odd of God / to choose the Jews,” goes the famous rhyme, to which the answer is: “Not quite so odd: the Jews chose God.” They may have been, at times, fractious, rebellious, ungrateful and wayward. But they had the courage to travel, to move, to leave […]
Rossella Tercatin Jerusalem Post, Sept. 20, 2021 “Anyone, regardless of their social status, could join, immerse themselves in the pool, walk toward the Temple as the experience built up with tens if not hundreds of thousands of people gathered inside the city on this route.” Some 2,000 years ago, as the festival of Sukkot approached, tens […]
Meir Y. Soloveichik Commentary, October 2023 “The cavern contained letters from Bar Kochba himself, including one written in advance of the Sukkot holiday, referencing the ritual of waving a lulav, a palm frond.” Striking archeological discoveries are a constant in Israel, but they can still occasionally inspire wonder. That is the case with the uncovering of […]
Thursday, September 28th 2023 / Wednesday, November 1st 2023
The Real History Behind the ‘Golda’ Movie: Sonja Anderson, The Smithsonian, Aug. 24, 2023 ‘Golda:’ What the Movie Doesn’t Tell You About the Israeli Prime Minister: Andrew Silow-Carroll, Jerusalem Post, Aug. 26, 2023 Good as ‘Golda’: Nattiv on Directing Helen Mirren: Hannah Brown, Jerusalem Post, Sept. 2, 2023 How Golda Transformed Helen Mirren into Golda Meir: Lisa […]
Thursday, September 28th 2023 / Thursday, November 2nd 2023
Andrew Silow-Carroll Jerusalem Post, Aug. 26, 2023 “… the feeling that we were going to lose that war was very strong, very deep. The change from the sense of security and the confidence to the surprise of the war was great. So she became the scapegoat. People will simply blame the leader when things don’t […]
Hannah Brown Jerusalem Post, Sept. 2, 2023 “Golda was a turtle, not a bunny, she was slow in her movements and she never raised her voice, she never screamed or shouted. So that was one of our decisions, Helen and I, that she keeps it all very quiet. And I wanted all the nuances to […]
Lisa Liebman Vanity Fair, Aug. 25, 2023 “Whatever you end up thinking of the flawed female leader—who, as the film shows, was investigated about her prosecution of the war—Nattiv’s goal was to acknowledge the trailblazer who he says, “paved the way for Margaret Thatcher and Angela Merkel.” In the new biopic Golda, the prime minister dubbed Israel’s […]
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