CIJR | Canadian Institute for Jewish Research
L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme

Isranet Daily Briefing


Politics & Pizza: Watching the U.S. Midterm Election Results… | Flickr
Politics & Pizza: Watching the U.S. Midterm Election Results… | Flickr
Elon Musk is Right — Divided Government Really Is Best:  David Harsanyi, NY Post, Nov. 10, 2022
Is ‘Progressive’ Now a Bad Word in U.S. Politics? James Freeman, WSJ, Nov. 14, 2022


For Further Reference:

The Magnitude of the GOP Midterm Debacle:  Jim Geraghty, National Review, Nov. 14, 2022On the menu today: The scale of the GOP midterm debacle grows clearer, and the finger-pointing only grows more intense.

Hemingway: Establishment GOP Obsesses Over Trump to Avoid Accountability for Its 2022 Failures:  The Federalist Staff, The Federalist, Nov. 10, 2022 — “You’re seeing a lot of people trying to take advantage of the failure on Tuesday night, to go after Donald Trump.

When Election Day Lasts For A Month I & I Editorial Board, I & I, Nov. 14, 2022 — On Sunday, five days after “Election Day,” Americans still didn’t know which party will have a majority in The House while two states were waiting to find out who their next governors will be.

We Can Blame Mitch McConnell, Too Ben Domenech, Spectator World, Nov. 14, 2022 —  So now it’s time to figure out who to blame. The post-election spin from the world of Mitch McConnell is that the GOP’s failure to flip the Senate is on Donald Trump and National Republican Senatorial Committee head Rick Scott, and that candidate selection and expenditures are the reason that we don’t have a Republican majority in the upper house.

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