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L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme


Elon Musk is Right — Divided Government Really Is Best


David Harsanyi
NY Post, Nov. 10, 2022
“The inability of one party to monopolize power will either compel both to compromise, or, in times of deep division, shut down Washington and incentivize governors to take care of their own business — which is how our federalist system was meant to work.”
There are no saviors or miracles in democracy, only a grueling, soul-sucking, forever war of attrition. That is the enduring lesson of the 2022 midterms, as it is every election. And, though the results will be overinterpreted by pundits, and partisans will have all their priors confirmed, in the end, it is simply proof that American “democracy” is working.

Overall, it was a disappointing night for Republicans, no doubt, considering the high expectations and the president’s low approval ratings. Though, as of this writing, the GOP looks like it might win The House and has a shot at the Senate, as well. It’s no small thing. But let’s not forget, we’re all winners when DC is mired in gridlock; not only is it the most accurate representation of the national electorate’s mood but it means the system is working.

Democrats have spent the past few years squeezing every globule of meaning from that word “democracy.” President Joe Biden delivered two historically divisive national prime-time speeches arguing that the only way to save democracy was to implement one-party rule.

If our doddering president didn’t look so ridiculous clenching his fists in front of a blood-red background, one might have found the spectacle semifascist. Today, Biden says that the election was a “good day for democracy.” He’s right, but not for the reasons he thinks.

If your version of “democracy” only exists if your party runs every institution, it wasn’t a good day. If you believe “democracy” means exploiting the narrowest of national majorities to lord over all the decisions of states and individuals, it’s going to be a tough couple of years for you. … [To read the full article, click here

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