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Isranet Daily Briefing


Antisemitic graffiti in Oryol, Russia- wikipedia
Antisemitic graffiti in Oryol, Russia- wikipedia

“Sure, Greenblatt and the gang occasionally murmur some correct condemnation of some real hater, but no one in their right mind can inspect his tenure and deny that he has hollowed out the ADL of any and all connection to its original mandate, instead using its clout to turn it into an effective and stealthy progressive, partisan operation.” –– Liel Leibovitz

No More ADL: Liel Leibovitz, Tablet, Nov. 7, 2022

Why Is the ADL on the Side of the Racists in the Affirmative Action Case?:  Jonathan Tobin, JNS, Nov. 1, 2022

Fox News Joins ZOA in Exposing ADL’s Dangerous, Extremist “Educational” Programs & Joins JNS Editor Tobin in Urging Firing ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt Morton Klein and Liz Berney, ZOA, Sept. 12, 2022

Is Anti-Zionism Anti-Semitism?: Isaac Chotiner, The New Yorker,  May 11, 2022

We Need to Talk About College’s Anti-Semitism Problem – Ms. Magazine

Anti-Defamation League Incorporating Leading Jewish Investment Group Dion J. Pierre, Algemeiner, Nov. 10, 2022 — The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) will incorporate JLens, a leading Jewish investor network. ADL announced the move on Thursday, describing it as an effort to “expand” activities aimed at preventing providers of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) ratings — which encourage socially conscious investment strategies — from discriminating against Israeli companies and those that do business with Israel.
Stopping the Tide of Campus Antisemitism:  Jonathan Greenblatt, Inside Higher Ed, Nov. 2, 2022 — From the earliest days of the modern university system, American Jews have experienced a changing face of antisemitism as they chose where to attend college.
Adidas Says Will Work with ADL Against Antisemitism After Kanye West Uproar Luke Tress, The Times of Israel, Nov. 10, 2022 —  Adidas said Thursday it will partner with the Anti-Defamation League to combat antisemitism and hatred, after a major controversy over the company’s partnership with antisemite Kanye West.
ADL’s Greenblatt: Trump’s Social Media Attack on Jews ‘Are Dangerous Comments at a Dangerous Time’:  MSNBC, YouTube, Oct. 17, 2022 — Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt and Washington Post National Political Correspondent Ashley Parker join Andrea Mitchell to address a threatening social media post in which former President Trump said, “U.S. Jews have to get their act together and appreciate what they have in Israel – before it is too late!”

ADL’s 2022 State of Hate Address | ADL’s 2022 Never Is Now:  ADLYouTube, Nov. 11, 2022 – ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt delivers the annual State of Hate address at Never Is Now, sharing his reflections on the current state of hate, antisemitism and extremism.

1389.4 Holocaust A | Inmates at the gate to the Auschwitz co… | Flickr

Rabbinic Group Calls For CEO Greenblatt’s Resignation After ADL Tweet Minimizes Holocaust:  Queens Jewish Link, Oct. 26, 2022 The Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV), representing over 2,000 traditional, Orthodox rabbis in matters of public policy, last week called for ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt to resign, after the ADL retweeted and seconded a statement that “Tucker Carlson went full nazi [sic],” accusing Carlson of “us[ing] his platform to stoke racial tensions.” The rabbis called this “minimizing the Holocaust,” a form of anti-Semitic bigotry, which the ADL would have excoriated rather than endorsed were it “even minimally competent” to fulfill its mission.

ADL Chief Compares ‘Radical Left’ Critics of Israel to Right-wing Extremists:  Ben Samuels, Haaretz, May 1, 2022 Anti-Defamation League Director Jonathan Greenblatt on Sunday delivered his sharpest criticism yet of far-left critics of Israel, drawing direct comparisons to right-wing extremists his organization has spent decades monitoring.

Jewish Umbrella Group Reprimands ZOA For Insulting Other Members:  Ron Kampeas, JTA, Jan. 8, 2019The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations issued a confidential warning to the Zionist Organization of America over its attacks on other member groups, the weakest sanction at the umbrella body’s disposal.

‘Hypocrisy Replacing One Antisemite for Another’: Balenciaga, Adidas Blasted for Partnering with Hadid After Dropping Kanye Breitbart, Nov. 9, 2022 Balenciaga and adidas, the latter of which was founded by members of the Nazi party, have partnered with vocally anti-Israel supermodel Bella Hadid to front their latest collaboration, prompting accusations of hypocrisy only weeks after both companies parted ways with Kanye West over his antisemitism.


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