CIJR | Canadian Institute for Jewish Research
L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme

Isranet Daily Briefing


The Times of Israel
Congregations forced to think on their feet for Simchat Torah festivities | - 
The Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle
The Times of Israel Congregations forced to think on their feet for Simchat Torah festivities | - The Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle

WATCH:  Bitfilah Amen: Worship From The Nations: International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, ICEJ, YouTube, Sept. 20, 2021 — As a special Sukkot holiday greeting to the people of Israel, the ICEJ teamed up with recording artists, musicians and choirs worldwide to produce a video cover of the Hebrew song Bitfilah Amen, the Israeli entry in the 1995 Eurovision Song Contest.


For Further Reference: 

Table for Five: Special Sukkot Edition:  Salvador Litvak, Jewish Journal, Sept. 22, 2021 — Known also as zman simchateinu, time of our happiness, Sukkot carries a Torah commandment to rejoice throughout these seven days.  

The History of the Etrog in America:  Mosaic Magazine, Sept. 20, 2021 Following the ancient interpretation of Leviticus 23:40, the etrog or citron is one of the four plant species used in the rituals of Sukkot, the festival that begins this evening. The Jews of early America followed their largely northern European forbears in importing these fruits from various Mediterranean locales, and especially from Corsica and Sicily. 

The Karaites and Simchat Torah:  Jeremy Rosen, Algemeiner, Oct. 19, 2014 — Who are the Karaites, and do they keep Simchat Torah?

Holocaust Survivor Awarded Balzan Prize Honoring Scientific Achievements:  JNS, Sept. 20, 2021A historian and Israeli-French-American Holocaust survivor was one of the recipients of this year’s international Balzan Prizes, which recognizes distinguished scholars, artists and scientists.

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