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Isranet Daily Briefing


Palestine-israel conflict october.webp - Wikimedia Commons
Palestine-israel conflict october.webp - Wikimedia Commons


Dr. Jonathan Schanzer on Hamas, Qatar, Turkey, and more— PBS Firing Line With Margaret Hoover FDD, Oct. 23, 2023 — FDD‘s Dr. Jonathan Schanzer joins Margaret Hoover break down all things Hamas.

How Will the IDF Handle Urban Combat?:  David Kilcullen, Foreign Affairs, Oct. 23, 2023

Taking Gaza Would Be Possible, Sieges from Mosul to Mariupol Show—but at a Steep CostYaroslav Trafimov, WSJ, Oct. 22, 2023

The Navy Shuffle:  Mixed Signals with Biden Visit to Israel:  J.E. Dyer, The Optimistic Conservative, Oct. 17, 2023
Will Hezbollah Target American Assets Amid Israel’s War on Gaza?:  David Schencker, Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Oct. 23, 2023



How Hamas’s Network of Tunnels in Gaza Works Asa Fitch and Rory Jones, WSJ, Oct. 18, 2023 As part of its campaign to eradicate Hamas from Gaza, Israel has targeted strikes against a network of tunnels underneath the enclave that are used by the militant group to transport weapons and people without detection by Israeli air surveillance.
What is Israel’s Endgame in Gaza Invasion?:  Samia Nakhoul, Matt Spetalnick and Alexander Cornwell, Reuters, Oct. 19, 2023 — Israel is vowing to wipe out Hamas in a relentless onslaught on the Gaza Strip but has no obvious endgame in sight, with no clear plan for how to govern the ravaged Palestinian enclave even if it triumphs on the battlefield.
Watch: What Is Israel’s Iron Sting Weapon? WSJ, Oct. 23, 2023 — The Israel Defense Forces released footage said to show commandos using its new “Iron Sting” weapon system against Hamas in one of its first known operational uses.
The Israel-Hamas Military Balance:  Didier Lauras, Barron’s, Oct. 22, 2023 — Israel has one of the best-resourced militaries in the world, heavily supported by Washington. In Hamas, it faces a highly trained armed group with powerful regional allies.


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