CIJR | Canadian Institute for Jewish Research
L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme

Isranet Daily Briefing


How Europe Became Pro-Israel- 
Foreign Policy
How Europe Became Pro-Israel- Foreign Policy

For Further Reference:

France’s Macron Pushes Controls on Religion to Pressure Mosques: Noemie Bisserbe and Stacy Meichtry, WSJ, June 22, 2021President Emmanuel Macron is redrawing the line that separates religion and state, in a battle to force Islamic organizations into the mold of French secularism.

IAI Signs 36 Million Euro Deal With Germany:  Anna Ahronheim, Jerusalem Post, June 17, 2021Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) and its subsidiary ELTA systems along with ESG Elektroniksystem-und Logistik-GmbH will manufacture and deliver tactical radars to the German Land Forces in a deal worth €36 million, the company announced on Thursday.

EU Commissioner Calls To Reconsider Aid After Antisemitism In PA Textbooks:  Lahav Harkov, Jerusalem Post, June 22, 2021The European Union must review the conditions by which it gives funding to education in the Palestinian Authority, European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi said Monday, after the release of an EU-sponsored report that found antisemitism and incitement in Palestinian textbooks.

Germany’s Special Relationship with Israel:  DW News, YouTube, May 26, 2021 — After the Holocaust, the mass murder of 6 million Jews by Nazi Germany, a special relationship has developed between Germany and Israel. It took decades of rapprochement for the two countries to establish a friendship, Germany finally affirming that Israel’s security is in its own interest.

Podcast: Benjamin Haddad on Why Europe Is Becoming More Pro-Israel:  Benjamin Haddad, Tikvah, June 7, 2021 — Among European diplomats and public figures in the 1990s, it was universally believed that the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians was the central key to understanding the Middle East. It was their view that until Israel made peace with the Palestinians and enacted a two-state solution, the region would remain in constant chaos, a view that made Israel the subject of much European opprobrium

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