CIJR | Canadian Institute for Jewish Research
L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme

Isranet Daily Briefing


Israel builds "smart" security fence around communities bordering Gaza | Daily Sabah
Israel builds "smart" security fence around communities bordering Gaza | Daily Sabah

For Further Reference:

A Salute To Netanyahu’s Strategic Leadership – Opinion:  David M. Weinberg, Jerusalem Post, June 17, 2021 — Whatever one thinks about Benjamin Netanyahu’s political conduct over recent years (which led to his ignominious defeat by the Bennett-Lapid coalition), I believe that history will recognize Netanyahu as one of the great leaders of the State of Israel and one of the most astute global strategists of our time.

Netanyahu’s Not Going Anywhere, And Bennett’s Helping Him Stick Around:  David Horovitz, The Times of Israel, June 17, 2021 — The sight of Labor MK Emilie Moatti being brought into the Knesset on Sunday night to cast her vote for the new coalition, unable to stand because of a spinal infection, was the clearest possible illustration of the fragility of the Naftali Bennett-Yair Lapid government — and the potential for trouble ahead as it seeks to advance legislation and fend off opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu’s efforts to bring it down.

Netanyahu Is Ousted As Charges Against Him Disintegrate:  Caroline Glick, Caroline Glick’s Mideast News Hour, June 16, 2021In Episode 10 of the Caroline Glick Mideast News Hour, co-host Gadi Taub and I discussed how, just as the new government was being sworn in, the principle cause that led to Israel’s long-standing political deadlock – the Attorney General’s pursuit of corruption charges against Netanyahu – fell apart in Jerusalem’s District Courthouse. The prosecution’s claim that Netanyahu accepted bribes fell apart as Netanyahu’s attorneys cross-examined the prosecution’s “star witness.”

Israel Welcomes its First Student from the UAE to IDC Herzliya:  i24, YouTube, June 16, 2021


           Additional Sources:


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