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Isranet Daily Briefing


Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi in Bushehr Nuclear Plant. (Wikipedia)
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi in Bushehr Nuclear Plant. (Wikipedia)


“The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was not designed to prevent an Iranian nuclear weapon. It was, rather, intended to create a fifteen-year window within which the United States could “integrate” Iran into the Middle Eastern system—that is, shift Washington’s strategic emphasis from the Arabian Peninsula and Israel to Iran.” – Seth Cropsey

Prepare for Iran’s Nuclear Breakout: Seth Cropsey, American Purpose, Apr. 14, 2023
‘Death To Israel’: The Iranian Plan to Attack Israel: Mordechai Kedar, JNS, Apr. 13, 2023
Iran Is Recruiting Militant Allies to Launch Attacks Against Israel: Summer Said and Benoit Faucon, WSJ, Apr. 14, 2023
Israeli Intelligence Analysts Assess the Iranian Threat – Report:  Iran International, Apr. 13, 2023


JINSA President & CEO Interviewed on RANE Insights Podcast: An In-Depth Overview of Middle Eastern Relations: Apr. 21, 2023 — In this episode of RANE Insights, RANE Founder and Chief Collaborative Officer, David Lawrence sits down with Dr. Michael Makovsky, President and CEO of the Jewish Institute for National Security of America, to discuss current developments in the Middle East, with a specific focus on Iran, Israel and Saudi Arabia.

US, Israel Must Stand United on Iran Nuclear Issue to Avoid ‘9/11 With Nuclear Bombs’: Peter Aitken and Andrew Murray, Fox News, Apr. 14, 2023 — Former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has warned that the U.S. will face a nuclear escalation across the Middle East if Iran obtains nuclear weapons – which could then end up in the hands of terrorists.

Must-See: Iranian News Outlet Interviews Bibi Netanyahu: Israel Unwired, Mar. 12, 2023 — This is a real shocker! Prime Minister Netanyahu spoke directly to an Iranian television show.
Top Secret Pentagon Leak Uncovers Tense Russian-Iranian Relationship:  Ron Ben-Yishai and Saar Haas, Ynet, Apr. 16, 2023 — Israel has previously highlighted the danger of the ties between the two countries, but according to the leaked documents, the U.S. government was not as convinced. Despite displeasure in Washington over cooperation in the war in Ukraine officials said the two were not and would not be allies.

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