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Isranet Daily Briefing

Daily Briefing: CUBA ERUPTS WITH PROTESTS (July 30th, 2021)

Cuba country profile - BBC News
Cuba country profile - BBC News

For Further Reference:

Cuban Jews Step Up For Their Patria:  Gabby Deutch, Jewish Insider, July 22, 2021 — “Patria y Vida” — “homeland and life” — is the chant that has animated thousands of pro-democracy protesters in Cuba, angry over economic shortages and rising COVID-19 deaths, over the past week and a half. 

Based On Grandmother’s Heroic Tale, Author Shows 1930s Cuba As Haven For Jews:  Renee Ghert-Zand, Times of Israel, July 1, 2021 — In 1938, 12-year-old Esther Levin travels alone from Poland to the port of Havana to reunite with Abraham, the father she hasn’t seen for three years. Along the way, she compulsively writes letters to her younger sister Malka, whom she desperately misses. But not a single letter is sent.

Russia, China, Iran Warn U.S. Must Not Intervene in Cuba:  Tom O’Connor, Newsweek, July 13, 2021 — Russia, China and Iran have warned the United States that it must not intervene in Cuba after the island was rocked by major protests for which U.S. President Joe Biden cast his support.

The Cuban People Deserve Freedom: Where Is the US Help?:  Guy  Millière, Gatestone Institute, July 25, 2021 — Sunday July 11. Demonstrations erupt in the main cities of Cuba. Tens of thousands of people take to the streets.

Marco Rubio Has the Perfect Response to BLM’s Horrific Statement on Cuba:  Tyler O’Neil, PJ Media, July 16, 2021 — As freedom fighters have taken to the streets across Cuba, the Marxist Black Lives Matter organization blamed the United States for the protests, defending the communist government in Havana. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), the son of Cuban immigrants, offered to help the Marxists move to Cuba, if they think it’s so peachy.

Washington Should Stay Out of Cuba’s Fight for Freedom:  Caleb Mills, Geopolitical Monitor, July 20, 2021 — After years of food shortages, political upheaval, and severe human rights abuses, Cuba is finally beginning to deal with the consequences of those failures.

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