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Table of Contents:
November 3, 2020: The Most Decisive Election —For The U.S. And For Israel—Since 1860: Frederick Krantz, Isranet, Nov. 2, 2020
Trump’s Already Won: Maria Bartiromo and James Freeman, WSJ, Oct. 30, 2020
A Trump Election Comeback? With These Pieces, It’s Still Possible; Gerald F. Seib, WSJ, Oct. 26, 2020
The Cost of Bidenomics: Editorial Board, WSJ, Oct. 18, 2020
November 3, 2020: The Most Decisive Election —For The U.S. And For Israel—Since 1860
Frederick Krantz
Isranet, Nov. 2, 2020
As we approach the most decisive American election since 1860, the news blackout of the Biden family influence-peddling scandal is an instructive, if deplorable, expression of the fundamental issues at stake. The political-corporate Left, which now dominates the Democratic Party, would if victorious impose a radical “progressive”-socialist authoritarian regime, backed by Pravda-like control of media, on America.
While leaving the tripartite structure of American government formally in place, it would undermine the “checks and balances” system by moving to create a kind of functional “soft” authoritarian one-party regime and State.
Twitter’s boldfaced impudence and disregard for public opinion was expressed in the headline of its reply to criticism. It made an “offer” to publish the whistleblower’s news about the Biden family scandal, which it had initially suppressed, but there was a catch: “ ‘NY Post Can Tweet Again If It Deletes Biden Exposé Post’, Twitter CEO Says”. In other words, they will run the story if is key content is omitted.
Such blatant and brazen manipulation expresses a contempt for both American First Amendment rights and the American voter. It is of a piece with the media’s high-handed misrepresentation of plain fact and language across this campaign. Half a year of rioting and looting are (when covered at all) termed “mostly peaceful protests”, and the lying “Trump’s white racism” meme is endlessly repeated, notwithstanding the plain evidence to the contrary, including the President’s own clear present and past denunciations.
Media and the Democrats, struck dumb now about the real and well-documented Biden scandal, squawked hysterically for three years about wholly unsupported “Russian collusion” assertions. And they never apologized, despite the collapse of the Mueller inquiry, the proven Democratic payment for and FBI use of the false Steele dossier, and the phony Ukraine [!] phone-call-based impeachment campaign.
A Democratic win in the coming November 3rd election could not only threaten American democracy, but would also have serious implications for Israel, as well as for the world generally. But despite the heavily Democratic media’s predictions of a massive Biden victory (10-12 points up nationally, 17 [!] in one poll in swing-state Wisconsin, and claims of impending victory in Florida, Texas, and Pennsylvania, with only days remaining all bets are in fact off.
The “national” polls administered by the anti-Trump media are wildly unreliable. Several other more reliable “battle-ground” state polls, done by researchers who correctly predicted the 2016 outcome, indicate that opinion is trending towards Trump. … [To read the full article, click the following LINK– Ed.]
Trump’s Already Won
Maria Bartiromo and James Freeman
WSJ, Oct. 30, 2020
Win or lose, America’s 45th president deserves credit for a more competitive economy, a nation at peace and a secure rule of law. Donald Trump doesn’t trample Americans’ rights. He doesn’t start wars; he ends them. And he makes comments that offend people. The cost of supporting Mr. Trump is enduring awkward moments when he says things that presidents shouldn’t say. The benefit is that he champions U.S. liberty and prosperity, and a thriving America is a benefit to the world.
It may seem obvious that a president should prioritize the interests of his country. But when Mr. Trump arrived in Washington, too many politicians seemed to view America as one of the world’s problems. Barack Obama began his presidency with a series of overseas speeches in which he described American flaws. In 2016 he visited communist Cuba where he noted that the U.S. had once sought to “exert control” over the country. Many suffering Cubans wish that we’d succeeded.
Mr. Trump doesn’t apologize for America. When it comes to foreign relations, he thinks that in many ways the U.S. has been too nice. But he also brought the nicest news to the Middle East in decades, a series of historic peace agreements between Israel and its Arab neighbors. In contrast with the expansive ambitions of the Bush era and the apologetic retreats of Obama days, Mr. Trump leads an America that is ready but not eager for war and that encourages former foes to engage in peaceful commerce.
The pursuit of commercial vitality at home has defined his presidency, as it defined his unconventional candidacy. “Is Donald Trump Serious?” asked a New York Times headline in September 2015. A columnist mocked him for seeking to sharply reduce the tax on corporate profits. The real mockery was the damage the levy inflicted. When combined with state and local taxes, the tax rate on corporate income amounted to nearly 40%, the highest in the industrialized world. U.S. companies were fleeing for business-friendly countries.
In 2017 Mr. Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which reduced the top federal corporate tax to 21% from 35%. The law triggered an increase in business investment and a surge of optimism among employers, which turned out well for employees. The Trump economy was characterized by historically low unemployment rates, massive job openings, and rising wages for low- and middle-income workers. The Covid pandemic and shutdowns wrought historic economic destruction, but it’s now being followed by a historic rebound.
From the start of his presidency, Mr. Trump paired tax reform with aggressive slashing of federal red tape. By the end of 2019 the administration was setting another annual record for the smallest number of final rules published in the Federal Register since such records began being tallied in the 1970s. Wayne Crews of the Competitive Enterprise Institute reports that by this measure the three best years for federal restraint all belong to Mr. Trump. … [To read the full article, click the following LINK – Ed.]
A Trump Election Comeback? With These Pieces, It’s Still Possible
Gerald F. Seib
WSJ, Oct. 26, 2020
For those in the business of writing about politics, the question you are asked most frequently these days is: Could President Trump still win? It’s a question posed both by those who want the president to win and by those who don’t. With a week to go before Election Day, this seems a good time to offer an answer:
Yes, of course he could.
Doing so most likely would require piecing together the requisite support from a few influential demographic groups and the right combination of states, allowing him to win the Electoral College while again losing the popular vote nationally.
“Given the history of the 2016 campaign, Trump’s ability to turn his campaign around in the final days can’t be underestimated,” wrote Democrat Doug Sosnik, former political director for President Bill Clinton, in an analysis over the weekend. “Trump has a much more aggressive campaign schedule than Biden. He is drawing large crowds and is dominating local coverage in the battleground states where he is campaigning.”
This is a look at how that could happen, though it comes with this bright, flashing caveat at the top. Most people with any sense got out of the prediction business after the 2016 election, and aren’t in that business now.
To say that Joe Biden is well ahead in the national polls, for example, isn’t a prediction that the Democratic former vice president will win. It’s simply a statement of fact. To say that Mr. Trump still could come out on top by picking off a combination of important states isn’t a prediction he will win. It’s simply a statement of fact.
In one fundamental respect, the closing picture isn’t favorable for Mr. Trump. The coronavirus, which may prove his 2020 Achilles heel, is surging just as the election approaches, and particularly in important Midwest battleground states such as Wisconsin, Michigan and Ohio.
Still, there are some key voter groups where the Republican’s campaign can make inroads:
•Previously dormant white working-class men. These men are a core Trump constituency, particularly in the industrial Midwest, yet many didn’t show up in 2016.
David Wasserman, an analyst at the nonpartisan Cook Political Report, estimated earlier this year that whites without college degrees made up 60% of those who didn’t vote in Michigan, 64% in Pennsylvania and 64% in Wisconsin. The Trump campaign has worked hard to get many of those registered to vote this time. … [To read the full article, click the following LINK – Ed.]
The Cost of Bidenomics
Editorial Board
WSJ, Oct. 18, 2020
Joe Biden has shrewdly kept the campaign focus on Covid-19 and President Trump, which has helped him avoid having to talk much about his own policies. That’s especially true of his economic proposals, which a new study out Sunday from theHoover Institution shows will have a damaging impact on growth, job creation and household income.
Mr. Biden often cites Moody’s, the credit-rating service, for saying his economic plan will yield faster growth and more jobs. “Wall Street,” he likes to say when he mentions Moody’s, as if that’s a conservative stamp of approval, even as he claims Mr. Trump is a captive of Wall Street.
But everyone knows most economists at today’s big financial institutions have a Keynesian bias that posits consumer demand and government spending as the main drivers of growth. That’s certainly true at Moody’s, whose chief economist is Mark Zandi, who in our view underestimates the impact of higher tax rates and regulation in his economic calculations. This isn’t a personal criticism, but a factual statement about his economic model.
We are also not predicting a “depression,” as Mr. Trump does, if Mr. Biden wins the election. On dire economic predictions, Mr. Trump is the mirror image of Paul Krugman on the left. The data show that the U.S. economy is recovering from the pandemic shutdowns faster than most economists predicted. Democrats may attempt to portray the economy as a disaster that requires trillions of dollars in new spending, but Mr. Biden would inherit an economy with strong growth momentum.
The housing market is booming, small-business sentiment is bullish, and manufacturing is on the rebound. Once a Covid-19 vaccine is approved, and better therapies become more widely available, the economy should take off as even Democratic governors ease their lockdowns. The service economy will revive as Americans feel safer, and the Federal Reserve will keep interest rates low as long as it can get away with it. Mr. Biden could do nothing and inherit a boom in 2021 and 2022.
The issue is whether Mr. Biden’s policies will nurture this strong recovery, or slow it down as Barack Obama’s policies did after the 2009 recession. This is where the Hoover study comes in, as it examines the Democrat’s proposals on health insurance, taxes, energy and regulation. The authors are economists Timothy Fitzgerald, Kevin Hassett, Cody Kallen and Casey Mulligan. Messrs. Hassett and Mulligan were members of the Council of Economic Advisers in the Trump White House, but then the boosters of Bidenomics are veterans of the Clinton-Obama Administrations.
Mr. Hassett has done pioneering work on the impact of corporate taxation and Mr. Mulligan of the University of Chicago on the impact of government subsidies that raise the marginal tax-rate barriers as workers try to climb the economic ladder. The 50-page Hoover study is valuable because it examines policies for their incentive and supply-side effects, rather than merely macroeconomic demand-side spending. …. [To read the full article, click the following LINK – Ed.]
For Further Reference:
The Trump Referendum: Editorial Board, WSJ, Oct. 31, 2020 — ‘The case for Donald Trump is political disruption.” So we wrote four years ago, and the Trump Presidency has certainly delivered that, for better and worse.
Democrats Increasingly Worried Minnesota Could Flip for President Trump: Hannah Bleau, Breitbart, Oct. 30, 2020 – Democrats are increasingly concerned that Minnesota, which has not voted for a Republican presidential candidate in 48 years, could flip for President Trump next week, given the GOP’s “significant operation” in the state and the Democrats’ stunning lack of canvassing in recent months.
Rex Murphy: If The Polls Got It So Wrong In 2016, Why Is The Media So Confident This Time Around?: Rex Murphy, National Post, Oct. 30, 2020 — Was it really four whole years ago that America walked away from the precipice of a Hillary Clinton presidency? Yes, it was. I recall so vividly, as if it were but days ago, the storms of jubilant relief that swept over the whole United States.
Article on Joe and Hunter Biden Censored By The Intercept: Glenn Greenwald, Oct. 29, 2020 — I am posting here the most recent draft of my article about Joe and Hunter Biden — the last one seen by Intercept editors before telling me that they refuse to publish it absent major structural changes involving the removal of all sections critical of Joe Biden, leaving only a narrow article critiquing media outlets.
Trump, Biden, Hunter, Chaos: Dan Henninger, WSJ, Oct. 21, 2020 –– If Donald Trump loses, a question for the ages will be: Did he tank his own election? As a conspiracy theory, it has more going for it than the Steele dossier.