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Isranet Daily Briefing

Daily Briefing: As Warfare Changes,How Prepared Are the US and Israel? (July 22, 2021)

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Friendship Flag - Pixabay

For Further Reference:

UK to Permanently Deploy Two Warships In Asia Pacific:  Al Jazeera, July 21, 2021 Britain has announced that it will permanently deploy two warships in Asian waters after its Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier and escort ships sail to Japan in September through seas where China is vying for influence with the United States and Japan.

Positions of Two NATO Ships Were Falsified Near Russian Black Sea Naval Base:  H.I. Sutton, USNI News, June 21, 2021 — The tracking data of two NATO warships was faked off the coast of a Russian controlled naval base in the Black Sea while the actual ships were moored 180 miles away, USNI News has learned.

Milley: NATO in Forefront of Change of ‘How We Fight’:  John Grady, USNI News, July 16, 2021 — he chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said this week that the United States and NATO are “right in the middle” of a technological revolution – from ubiquitous surveillance to fielding long-range precision munitions – that will fundamentally change “how we fight.”

Report: IDF, Mossad Push Plan For Multiple Small-Scale Operations Against Iran Nuclear Program:  Benjamin Kerstein, World Israel News, July 21, 2021 — Israel is examining possible changes to its operational plans against the Iranian nuclear program in order to contend with a US reentry to the 2015 nuclear deal.

Has Iran Launched A New Stealth Missile Boat?:  Seth J. Frantzman, Jerusalem Post, July 19, 2021Iran has launched one of its new stealthy catamaran “missile corvettes” according to open-source intelligence analyzed by expert H.I. Sutton, who runs the Cover Shores website. He noted that this took place as many have been distracted by monitoring the Iranian Makran warship which is sailing close to the UK this week.

Israel’s Evolution into a Force-Multiplier for the USA:  Yoram Ettinger, The Ettinger Report, June 17, 2021 — In 1948, the CIA opposed the reestablishment of the Jewish State, contending that it would be a feeble entity, unable to withstand an all-out Arab war – which would yield a second Holocaust in less than ten years – fully dependent on US soldiers for its survival, jeopardize US ties with the Arab World, imperil US access to Persian Gulf oil, and probably join the Soviet Bloc.

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