Outside Source
Tuesday, March 15th 2022
— SEEKING SOCIAL WORK OR SOCIAL SERVICE STUDENTS TO PARTICIPATE IN RESEARCH STUDY! Jewish social workers in Canada and the United States are concerned about the ongoing exclusion of antisemitism from the social work curriculum. This exclusion is especially notable given a strong emphasis on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion studies, […]
Wednesday, January 12th 2022
Doris Strub Epstein The nightmare began on August 3, 2014. ISIS militants attacked the Yezidis in their millennial-old homeland in northern Iraq, killing thousands of men and older women on the spot and displacing more than 360,000 others in days. Thousands of women and young girls, some as young as nine, were raped repeatedly, […]
Communiqués Outside Source
Monday, April 26th 2021 / Monday, April 26th 2021
Times of Israel, AVR 25, 2021 En essence, l’accord des 5 +1 sur le nucléaire iranien permettait à l’Iran de développer librement la technologie nucléaire dans les 10 ans, soit en 2025. La nouvelle administration américaine a déclaré vouloir réintégrer cet accord dont le président Trump s’était retiré en 2018. Depuis cette date, les sanctions […]
Thursday, April 22nd 2021
April 19, 2021 “Why is Educating about Israel’s Rights to the Land More important Now Than Ever.“ Doris Strub Epstein In 1917, in the sleepy little town of San Remo, Italy, the most meaningful event in modern Jewish history took place: The Balfour Declaration became a legal document. Until then, it was merely an expression […]
Thursday, April 15th 2021 / Thursday, April 22nd 2021
To Read Poems Please Visit: https://isranet.org/publications/
Thursday, April 15th 2021
By Joel Goldenberg The Suburban May 17, 2017 On one hand, Canadians and North Americans as a whole are frequently told that there’s a greater chance of being struck by lightning than being the victim of a terrorist attack. On the other hand, in recent months and years, we have seen terrorist attacks against civilians […]
Thursday, April 15th 2021 / Thursday, April 15th 2021
Excerpted from Oz, Amos: ‘A Tale of Love and Darkness’, London: Vintage Books, 2005 Pp 342-345 “Like a frightening dream crowds of shadows stood massed together silently by the yellow light of the streetlamp, in our yard, in the neighbouring yards, on balconies, in the roadway, like a vast assembly of ghosts. Hundreds of people […]
Monday, April 12th 2021 / Sunday, April 11th 2021
David Bensoussan Times of israel, AVR 11, 2021 L’homme d’État Talleyrand préconisait de faire l’éloge des interlocuteurs en public, mais, si nécessaire, de les injurier en privé. Tel ne semble pas avoir été le cas de l’administration Biden. Le président américain a traité le président russe Poutine de tueur et fortement critiqué l’emprisonnement de son […]
Richard L. Cravatts| Frontpagemag,Fri Apr 9, 2021 Richard L. Cravatts, Ph.D., a Freedom Center Journalism Fellow in Academic Free Speech and President Emeritus of Scholars for Peace in the Middle East, is the author of Dispatches From the Campus War Against Israel and Jews. In a country where multiculturalism has a reverent following and criticism of protected minorities has […]
Outside Source Video & Audio Recordings
Thursday, April 8th 2021 / Thursday, April 8th 2021
Wednesday, February 17th 2021 / Thursday, February 25th 2021
Bernard Bohbot The Jerusalem Post In 2001-2002, revisionist scholars and journalists convinced the whole world (including me) that the Palestinian Authority was willing to accept the Clinton parameters with slight changes. But now that the PA has rejected two other peace plans based on the Clinton parameters in 2008 and 2014, it is clear that Clinton’s […]
featured Outside Source
Tuesday, February 16th 2021 / Tuesday, February 16th 2021
Jacques Chitayat As Israel struggles with a paralyzing pandemic and a massive vaccination campaign, one can easily forget yet another issue, just as crucial, that the country faces: its upcoming election this March, their fourth in only two years, a tiring situation for most Israelis. Why does Israel have so many elections? What possible reforms […]
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