Daily Briefing / Communiqué
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Thursday, April 5th 2012
QUÉBEC: L'IMAM SAÏD JAZIRI, UN MANIPULATEUR Dépêche Postedeveille.ca, 2 avril 2012 L'imam islamiste Saïd Jaziri, un Tunisien, a été expulsé du Canada en octobre 2007 pour avoir menti aux autorités lors de sa demande d'asile politique. Il avait omis de déclarer qu'il avait fait usage de faux passeports et qu’il avait un […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
Wednesday, April 4th 2012 / Wednesday, April 4th 2012
Media-ocrities of the Week “Surtout de la part des Juifs, qui sont racistes, contrairement aux autres Français connus pour leur droiture [Especially by Jews, who are racists, unlike other French citizens who are known for their righteousness].”—Mohamed Merah Benalel, father of the French terrorist who last month killed 4 Jews at a school in […]
Tuesday, April 3rd 2012 / Tuesday, April 3rd 2012
THE DESPERATE FIGHT FOR EGYPT’S SOUL Amir Taheri NY Post, March 29, 2012 A year after Hosni Mubarak was forced out of power, many Egyptians feel that the real fight over their country’s future is just beginning. For decades, the army-led regime kept Egypt frozen; now all options are open, both good and bad. Which […]
Monday, April 2nd 2012 / Monday, April 2nd 2012
OBAMA AND THE EISENHOWER STANDARD Fouad Ajami Wall Street Journal, April 1, 2012 On Nov. 6, 1956, Election Day to be precise, President Dwight D. Eisenhower sent a brief message to British Prime Minister Anthony Eden: “We have given our whole thought to Hungary and the Middle East. I don’t give a damn how the […]
Friday, March 30th 2012 / Friday, March 30th 2012
MOHAMED MERAH: LA GRANDE MANIPULATION Jean Szlamowicz France-israel.org, 28 mars 2012 Mohamed Merah: fruit vénéneux des terroristes du verbe! Dès que la tuerie de l’école juive Ozar Hatorah perpétrée à Toulouse le 19 mars 2012 a fait sensation, l’émotion médiatique s’est déployée selon les normes de l’événement: pudeur choquée, compassion larmoyante, protestations […]
MEMORIES OF PARENTS SUSTAINED HIM Elaine Kalman Naves Montreal Gazette, March 24, 2012 The following is a review of Chief Rabbi (Tel Aviv) Israel Meir Lau’s Out of the Depths: The Story of a Child of Buchenwald Who Returned Home at Last. (Schmidt Sterling, 380 pages, $29.95.) ‘Out of the depths have I called Thee, […]
Thursday, March 29th 2012 / Thursday, March 29th 2012
Media-ocrities of the Week “On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for [incoming Russian President Vladimir Putin] to give me space.… This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.”—US President Barack Obama, caught on an open mic assuring outgoing Russian President […]
Tuesday, March 27th 2012 / Wednesday, March 28th 2012
PREVENTING THE POLITICAL SYSTEM’S STAGNATION, COLLAPSE Danny Ayalon Jerusalem Post, February 26, 2012 …Israel’s electoral and governmental system is failing and moving us toward political paralysis. The writing has been on the wall for some time, and soon it may be too late to make the necessary change.… In Israel, there is no sufficient separation […]
Monday, March 26th 2012 / Tuesday, March 27th 2012
UNESCO GOES TO WASHINGTON Claudia Rosett National Review, March 14, 2012 When the member states of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization voted last October to confer membership on the Palestinian Authority, they knew their decision would trigger the withdrawal of U.S. funding, which in dues alone accounted for more than $78 million […]
Sunday, March 25th 2012 / Monday, March 26th 2012
THE BOGUS IRAN INTELLIGENCE DEBATE Bret Stephens Wall Street Journal, March 19, 2012 To better understand the debate over the state of Iran’s nuclear bomb building capabilities, it helps to talk to someone who has built a nuclear bomb. Tom Reed served as Secretary of the Air Force and head of the National Reconnaissance Office […]
Friday, March 23rd 2012
RUMOURS OF AMERICA’S DEMISE ARE AN EXAGGERATION Robert Kagan National Post, March 10, 2012 In The World America Made, excerpted below, foreign-policy expert Robert Kagan challenges the conventional wisdom that U.S. global power and influence are waning: Much of the commentary on American decline these days rests on rather loose analysis, on impressions that the […]
Friday, March 23rd 2012 / Friday, March 23rd 2012
MAIS QUI EST MOHAMED MERAH? SUR LA PISTE DU MEURTRIER DE TOULOUSE-MONTAUBAN Dépêche Guysen International News, 21 mars 2012 Les antécédents de l'auteur présumé des tueries qui ont causé la mort de sept personnes en France, retranché mercredi dans un immeuble de Toulouse cerné par la police, ont éveillé les soupçons des enquêteurs […]
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