Daily Briefing / Communiqué
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Friday, March 3rd 2017 / Monday, September 21st 2020
BDS : 12 ANS DE CAMPAGNE ONT DONNÉ UN RÉSULTAT ÉTONNANT Jean-Patrick Grumberg Dreuz, 17 fev., 2017 Les campagnes BDS (Boycott désinvestissement sanctions) sont destinées à délégitimer Israël, à le décrire comme un Etat d’apartheid, et qui commet un génocide contre le peuple palestinien. En […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
Thursday, March 2nd 2017 / Thursday, March 2nd 2017
No ‘Trump Doctrine’ Yet — and Wisely So: Ralph Peters, New York Post, Mar. 1, 2017— In his politically adept address to Congress Tuesday night, President Trump largely ignored foreign policy and spoke only generally — though warmly — about our armed forces. Trump and the ‘Madman Theory’: Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post, Feb. 23, 2017— […]
Wednesday, March 1st 2017
MEDIA-OCRITY OF THE WEEK: “Outrage at what’s happening to America isn’t just justified, it’s essential. In fact, it may be our last chance of saving democracy…Trump is clearly a would-be autocrat, and other Republicans are his willing enablers…And given this reality, it’s completely reasonable to worry that America will go the route […]
Tuesday, February 28th 2017
Why Some in Israel Are Wary of Hamas’ New Gaza Boss: Ben Caspit, Al-Monitor, Feb. 16, 2017— It seems there has never been a leader of Hamas better known to Israel than Yahya Sinwar, who was chosen this week in an internal process to succeed Ismail Haniyeh as the head of the political wing of […]
Monday, February 27th 2017
Syria – the Beginning of the End?: Sarit Zehavi, Jerusalem Post, Feb. 15, 2017— In the past two months, several things happened in Syria that oblige us to examine the question of where this five-year civil war is going. Pitting Russia Against Iran in Syria? Get Over It: Frederick W. Kagan, Fox News, Feb. 15, […]
Friday, February 24th 2017
What’s Behind the Rash of Anti-Semitic Incidents?: Ian Tuttle, National Review, Feb. 23, 2017— On Monday, for the fourth time since the beginning of the year, bomb threats shut down multiple Jewish Community Centers across the country. Israel Does Not Cause Anti-Semitism: Alan M. Dershowitz, Algemeiner, Feb. 22, 2017— In a recent letter to the […]
Friday, February 24th 2017 / Monday, September 21st 2020
LA COMPOSANTE EUROPÉENNE DU LOBBY ARABE À WASHINGTON Steven J. Rosen Middle East Quarterly, Automne 2010 Une longue expérience de Washington mène à des conclusions différentes et un peu surprenantes. La force extérieure qui exerce les pressions les plus fortes sur le gouvernement des Etats-Unis pour […]
Thursday, February 23rd 2017
No Man on the Moon: Samuel Thrope, Tablet, Jan. 25, 2017— During the Holocaust, Yariv Bash’s grandfather was forced to build V2 rockets for the Nazi army. ‘Startups as Far as the Eye Can See, all the Way to the Sea’: Sharon Udasin, Jerusalem Post, Feb. 22, 2017— Entering the 14th-floor hotel lounge following a […]
Wednesday, February 22nd 2017
MEDIA-OCRITY OF THE WEEK: PRESIDENT TRUMP, WILL YOU SAVE THE JEWS? — “I don’t expect Israel to just up and leave the West Bank without a Palestinian partner for a secure peace, which Israel doesn’t now have. But legalizing this land grab by settlers deep in Palestinian areas is not an act […]
Tuesday, February 21st 2017
Why Israel Has the Most Technologically Advanced Military on Earth: Yaakov Katz, New York Post, Jan. 29, 2017— In 1950, just two years after the state of Israel was founded, the country’s first commercial delegation set off for South America. Myth: Israel Is the Largest Beneficiary of US Military Aid: Prof. Hillel Frisch, BESA, Feb. […]
Monday, February 20th 2017
Trump Isn’t Repeating Obama’s Middle East Mistakes: Jonathan S. Tobin, National Review, Feb. 3, 2017— By the end of his second week in office, President Donald Trump has discovered it is actually possible for him to do something that garners applause from the mainstream media. Russia's Mideast Dominance Growing: Dr. Netanel Avneri, Israel Hayom, Jan. […]
Friday, February 17th 2017
Trump Helps Persecuted Christians and Protects America with One Move: Raymond Ibrahim, Frontpage, Feb. 2, 2017— During a recent interview with CBN, President Trump was asked if he thinks America should prioritize persecuted Christians as refugees. Assyrian Statehood: Preventing a Rupture in Kurdish-American Relations: Bradley Martin, JNS, Feb. 9, 2017— Assyrian autonomy would do more […]
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