Daily Briefing / Communiqué
Isranet Daily Briefing
Friday, March 31st 2017
Christians Fear for Their Lives in the Middle East: Micah Halpern, Jerusalem Post, Feb. 27, 2017— Christians fear for their lives in certain parts of the Middle East. Islamic State (ISIS) has called them its primary target – its “favorite prey.” A New Genocide for Egypt’s Christians?: Raymond Ibrahim, Frontpage, Mar. 2, 2017— Yet another […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Friday, March 31st 2017 / Monday, September 21st 2020
FRANCE: LA DÉRADICALISATION DES DJIHADISTES EST UN « FIASCO » Soeren Kern Gatestone Institute, 21 mars, 2017 Le programme phare du gouvernement français sur la déradicalisation des djihadistes est un « fiasco total » et doit être « complètement repensé […]
Thursday, March 30th 2017
In 2004 Fallujah, a Lesson for 2017 Mosul: Tom Rogan, National Review, Mar. 28, 2017— Every day the coalition conducts air strikes in Mosul. Sorry — US Involvement is the Only Way to Reduce Civilian Casualties: Benny Avni, New York Post, March 28, 2017—There will be more casualties in the war on ISIS. But minimizing […]
Wednesday, March 29th 2017
MEDIA-OCRITY OF THE WEEK: LONDON ATTACKER'S MOTIVE STILL A MYSTERY, POLICE SAY: “Police in Britain say they may never know why Khalid Masood killed four people and injured 50 in last week’s terrorist attack in London…“We must all accept that there is a possibility we will never understand why he did this. That […]
Tuesday, March 28th 2017
A New Russian Order: Boaz Bismuth, Israel Hayom, Mar. 24, 2017— When Russia joined us here in the Middle East in September 2015, it had three clear goals… How Worried are Israel’s Leaders About Putin’s Syrian Warning?: Yossi Melman, Jerusalem Post, Mar. 23, 2017—Contradictory reports, most of them unconfirmed and unofficial, have emerged in recent […]
Monday, March 27th 2017
Are Israeli Raids on Syrian Targets Legal?: Prof. Louis René Beres, BESA, Mar. 23, 2017— Syria, a country in the midst of chaos, has launched multiple aggressions against neighboring Israel. Warning, War Clouds on the Horizon!: Dr. Mordechai Kedar, Arutz Sheva, Mar. 24, 2017— Academic research has explored in depth the factors leading to the […]
Friday, March 24th 2017
The 400-Year-Old Foundation of the Unique US-Israel Ties: Yoram Ettinger, Jewish Press, Jan. 25, 2017— 1. According to Prof. Robert Bellah, a leading sociologist from UC Berkeley, there is “civil religion” in the US: separation between religion and state, but not between religion and society. When Gatekeepers of Justice Leverage the Law to Abet Injustice: […]
Friday, March 24th 2017 / Monday, September 21st 2020
BIENTÔT UN ACCORD DE LIBRE-ÉCHANGE ENTRE LE VIETNAM ET ISRAËL ? Times of Israel, 19 mars, 2017 e président Reuven Rivlin a entamé une visite officielle au Vietnam de 5 jours, accompagné de plusieurs hommes d’affaires israéliens, dont Shraga Bosh, le président […]
Thursday, March 23rd 2017
Good Schools Aren’t the Secret to Israel’s High-Tech Boom: Naftali Bennett, Wall Street Journal, Mar. 20, 2017— I am often asked how a country the size of New Jersey, with fewer residents than New York City, became a global high-tech force. Can Israel's High-Tech Sector Make America Great Again?: David Patrikarakos, National Interest, Mar. 2, […]
Wednesday, March 22nd 2017
AS WE GO TO PRESS: AT LEAST FOUR DEAD IN SUSPECTED TERRORIST ATTACK IN LONDON — At least four people were killed and at least 20 injured in London on Wednesday after a car plowed into pedestrians and an attacker stabbed a policeman close to Parliament, in what police called a terrorist incident. […]
Tuesday, March 21st 2017
Do We Still Want the West?: Bret Stephens, Wall Street Journal, Feb. 20, 2017— In the late 1980s Stanford University did away with its required Western civilization course after Jesse Jackson led students in a chant of “Hey, hey, ho, ho, Western Civ has got to go!” What Does 'Western Culture' Mean Anyway?: Giulio Meotti, […]
Monday, March 20th 2017
There Are Some Lessons From Israel's Success: Harold Mitchell, Sydney Morning Herald, Feb. 10, 2017— No matter what President Trump says or does, this century belongs to Asia. Accelerating to Warp Speed: Ilan Evyatar, Jerusalem Post, Feb. 23, 2017— Israeli innovation is about to enter warp drive, OurCrowd CEO Jon Medved tells me, borrowing a […]
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