Thursday, November 13th 2014 / Thursday, November 13th 2014
Despite statements to the contrary, the Obama administration appears determined to achieve an agreement with Iran and seems willing to breach its repeated undertakings that it would never countenance Iran becoming a nuclear power. With the mullahs’ increased intransigence as they sense the desperation of the Americans to avoid a confrontation, the November 24 deadline […]
Wednesday, November 12th 2014 / Wednesday, November 12th 2014
I have had the dubious pleasure of hearing you recently on CBC and have read your essay titled “Canada at war for 13 years” – and heartily agree with you on one point only: we certainly should do away with the term “terrorism.” Instead, we should use the term “islamofascism” or the phrase “islamist extremism” […]
Tuesday, November 11th 2014
When one publishes about subjects such as Israel and Europe or anti-Semitism, one is regularly contacted by journalists. It sometimes leads to bizarre experiences. Several such experiences resulted from my 2013 book, Demonizing Israel and the Jews. The book brought to light the fact that, based on opinion polls – the main one from […]
Tuesday, October 28th 2014 / Thursday, December 11th 2014
From Israzine Nov., 2014: "Zionism, An Indigenous Struggle: Aboriginal Americans and the Jewish State" Our Sages teach us that our livelihood is in the hands of God. While we have to go through the motions, our success has little to do with our machinations. Rather, it’s a reflection of what God has ascertained is […]
Tuesday, October 28th 2014 / Tuesday, October 28th 2014
On October 13, 2014, the British Parliament, in its House of Commons, adopted a resolution by a majority of 274 votes, with 12 opposing votes, that states: “That this House believes that the government should recognize the state of Palestine alongside the state of Israel as a contribution to securing a negotiated two-state […]
Friday, October 3rd 2014
Only twelve years ago, the Republic of Turkey was correctly seen as a stalwart NATO ally, the model of a pro-Western Muslim state, and a bridge between Europe and the Middle East. A strong military bond with the Pentagon undergirded broader economic and cultural ties with Americans. For those of us who work on the […]
Wednesday, October 1st 2014 / Friday, September 29th 2017
In Loving Memory of Malca z”l The shofar, New Year’s symbol, blows The long-drawn call for all humanity! A call for peace that’s yet to be Addressed to all humanity. Within the little synagogue the lights are dim We hear the shofar sound– Piercing a silence that seems To pray, […]
Tuesday, September 30th 2014 / Friday, October 3rd 2014
These are portentous days in the global village. With Gaza, after fifty days of violence, at least temporarily on the back burner, the world’s attention is returning to Iraq. Having fiddled while Mosul burned, Barack Obama’s studied foreign policy passivity was shattered by TV scenes of tens of thousands of Yazidi sect members fleeing advancing […]
Tuesday, September 23rd 2014 / Tuesday, September 23rd 2014
Rosh Hashanah is called the Day of Judgement. Taking the three steps that places him before God with every Amidah prayer, a Jew on Rosh Hashanah takes his/her stand before eternity. Anyone who ever wonders at the order of the universe, at its beauty, at the fact that something exists rather than nothing at all […]
Analysis Communiqués
Tuesday, September 23rd 2014
Comment expliquer le succès de l’État islamique, alias Da’ech, au Moyen-Orient ? Issu de la mouvance d’Al-Qaïda, ce mouvement s’érige en État islamique de l’Irak en 2007, se renforce en Syrie notamment avec l’arrivée de nombreux djihadistes étrangers, pour devenir l’État islamique en Irak et au Levant (EIIL) en 2013. D’autres djihadistes de Syrie ont […]
Friday, September 19th 2014 / Friday, September 19th 2014
Isaïe – Lecture commentée David Bensoussan, Le livre d’Isaïe, lecture commentée, Les Éditions Du Lys ISBN 978-2-922505-24-5 & Les Éditions du Marais, ISBN 978-2-923721-52-1, 278 p., 2014. Comment aborder le livre d’Isaïe ? Ce livre abonde en réprimandes et en prophéties de malheur envers le peuple d’Israël, mais fait aussi état de la prophétie […]
Thursday, September 11th 2014
Before welcoming the emerging state of Kurdistan in northern Iraq, I confess to having opposed its independence in the past. In 1991, after the Gulf War had ended and as Saddam Hussein attacked Iraq’s 6 million Kurds, I made three arguments against American intervention on their behalf, arguments still commonly heard today: (1) independence for […]
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