Wednesday, January 13th 2016 / Friday, January 29th 2016
Ability to manipulate language is crucial if a journalist is to transmit a biased message. Apparently Associated Press journalists have both the ability to manipulate language and the guidelines driving them to do so. AP apparently believes that Palestinians can never be terrorists, however many Israeli soldiers and civilians they kill or attempt […]
Monday, January 11th 2016 / Monday, January 18th 2016
On November 28, 2015, Tawadros II, the 118th Coptic Pope, the leader of the worldwide body of Egyptian Orthodox Christians, travelled with a delegation of other Coptic clerics from Cairo to Jerusalem in order to preside over the funeral for Anba Abraham, the Coptic Orthodox Metropolitan Archbishop of Jerusalem and the Near […]
Sunday, January 10th 2016 / Monday, January 18th 2016
Quebec's new Bill 59, now in progress toward passage into law, has been called by the National Post, the gravest threat to freedom of expression in Canada today. It would give new powers to the Quebec Human Rights Commission (QHRC) to combat hate speech, in particular, speech considered Islamophobic, by censoring words that […]
Thursday, December 24th 2015 / Monday, January 18th 2016
While Ottawa focuses only on bringing the Syrian migrants, continuing to ignore the problems inherent in their decision, they are ignoring hundreds of thousands of non-Muslim minorities, targeted for immediate genocide by ISIS. At the top of the list are the ancient Yazidi people, then the Chaldo Assyrian Christians. But all […]
Tuesday, December 8th 2015 / Tuesday, December 8th 2015
For many centuries Jews have been accused of embodying absolute evil by their most vile enemies. This motif formed the unifying thread passing through blood libels, accusations of poisoning, conspiracy theories involving Jewish financial and military manipulations, and suchlike. The central hate tactic used was frequent emotive, often religion-oriented repetition. […]
Monday, December 7th 2015 / Monday, December 7th 2015
In Loving Memory of Malca Z"L While celebrating Hanukkah we remember the heroes and heroines of the Jewish People who never put down their weapons, nor gave up their faith. Let us remember all our beloved sisters and brothers who were murdered at the hands of killers across Jewish history. The […]
Friday, December 4th 2015 / Friday, December 4th 2015
In 1936 Spanish pro-fascist monarchist forces under General Francisco Franco attacked the legitimate government of the Spanish Republic, setting off a vicious and soon internationalized civil war. Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany directly supported Franco’s nationalist forces, with air support, military equipment, advisers, and materiel; France provided some aid to […]
Thursday, December 3rd 2015 / Thursday, December 3rd 2015
FROM THE CHAIRMAN Jack Kincler Dear friends and supporters, As we are approaching the holiday season, it seems our hopes for a better and more peaceful world are dashed again and again by a string of horrible terrorist events in Israel and around the world. The ongoing “knifing Intifada” in Israel is claiming dozens […]
Thursday, October 22nd 2015 / Thursday, October 22nd 2015
The Muslim Attitude Towards the State of Israel Why does the presence of the miniscule State of Israel, with its population of eight and one-quarter million, cause such derangement of life in its own neighborhood, where the descendants of Ishmael have 22 nations today with a population of about 144 million, […]
Monday, October 5th 2015
There are two key, related, and little-remarked dimensions of the current Middle Eastern migration crisis. On the one hand, the almost complete economic and political collapse of the Muslim societies and states furnishing the millions of desperate refugees; on the other, the identity of a problematic “Europe” is threatened by the […]
Thursday, September 24th 2015 / Thursday, September 24th 2015
Recent developments in Iceland fit well in the long history of that country’s anti-Semitism. Last week, the left wing majority on the Reykjavik municipal council decided on a boycott of all Israeli products. In view of the protests, the city’s mayor now wants to replace it with a boycott of settlement goods.[1] […]
Tuesday, September 22nd 2015 / Tuesday, September 22nd 2015
One of the finest virtues we can ever achieve in our lives is when our word is our bond. I will never forget when the business of one of our dear members deteriorated. He had the opportunity in civil law to declare bankruptcy but refused; instead, he ensured that every […]
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