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US: Basic Framework in Place for Israel-Saudi Arabia Peace – Report

Jerusalem Post staff et al
Jerusalem Post, Sept. 30, 2023

Saudi Arabia would not settle for less than binding assurances of US protection if it faced attack, such as the Sept. 14, 2019 missile strikes on its oil sites that rattled world markets.”
A ‘basic framework’ is in place for a peace deal between Israel and Saudi Arabia, White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told reporters on Friday, according to reports in Riyadh.

“All sides have hammered out, I think, a basic framework for what we might be able to drive at,” Kirby was quoted by Saudi media as saying. Kirby did warn, however, that “as in other complex arrangements, such as this will inevitably be, everyone must make concessions.”

His words were part of a series of reports highlighting the advancement of moves toward a quadrilateral deal that is mainly between Washington and Riyadh but which would also include a normalization deal with Saudi Arabia and a possible interim deal with the Palestinians.

As part of the moves toward Israeli-Saudi normalization, Tourism Minister Haim Katz became the first Israeli minister to visit Riyadh when he attended the UN United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). On Monday, Communications Minister Shlomo Kahri and Knesset Economic Affairs Committee chairman MK David Bitan head to Saudi Arabia for the Exceptional Posts Conference as an official Israeli delegation.

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