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L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme

Isranet Daily Briefing


עברית: - WIKIPEDIA
sukkot-34 עברית: - WIKIPEDIA


Is Kohelet’s Wisdom Vanity of Vanities?:  Prof. Rabbi Marty Lockshin, The, Sept. 2023The Mishnah (m. Yadayim 3:5) makes clear that the inclusion of Kohelet (Ecclesiastes) in the biblical Canon engendered more opposition than other biblical books.[1] Unfortunately, we don’t have a detailed record of the rabbinic discussions about Kohelet, pro and con, but hints survive.
The Palm Frond and the Sword:  Meir Y. Soloveichik, Commentary, October 2023
How Did Jews Celebrate Sukkot 2,000 Years Ago? Archaeology Offers Answers: Rossella Tercatin, Jerusalem Post, Sept. 20, 2021
Sukkot and Living in the Age of Insecurity:  Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, Aish, no date
The Etrog:  S.Y. Agnon, Tablet, Sept. 25, 2015


What Is Sukkot? Editors, Tablet, Oct. 1, 2009 — The year’s first harvest holiday, Sukkot celebrates the pilgrimage Jews made to the Temple in Jerusalem, bearing fruits and sacrifices. 
Podcast: Peter Kreeft on the Philosophy of Ecclesiastes Tikvah Podcast at Mosaic and Peter Kreeft, Sept. 24, 2021 — This week, Jews celebrate the holiday of Sukkot, during which it is traditional to read one of the most philosophically interesting books of the Hebrew Bible, Ecclesiastes. 
The Happiness Warrior:  Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz’s Blog, Oct. 8, 2020 — There’s an old Jewish joke that asks: what is the difference between a Jew and a Frenchman at a party? A Frenchman leaves and never says goodbye, but the Jew says goodbye and never leaves.
The Essence of Simchat Torah:  Eva Robbins, Jewish Journal, Oct. 12, 2022— Simchat Torah, which marks the end of the annual cycle of weekly Torah readings and the beginning of the new cycle, is a joyous holiday that celebrates the Jewish love of Torah and study.

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