Friday, September 6, 2024
Friday, September 6, 2024
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Book Launch: No One Bears Witness for the Witness: Memoir by Baruch Cohen

Book Launch for Baruch Cohen’s Memoir: No One Bears Witness for the Witness.

In this Memoir, No One Bears Witness to the Witness, Baruch Cohen, now 96 years old, recounts his life story, born in Romania, surviving the atrocities of the Holocaust, immigrating to Israel and then to Canada, raising a family, and working tirelessly to promote understanding of Israel and Jews, and to share the history of Jews in Romania during WWII, which had been scantily reported and was largely unknown. Since his retirement, for the last 40 years he has worked as a partner with Fred Krantz, directing and supporting the work of CIJR, – Canadian Institute for Jewish Research – in Montreal, coming to the office five days a week throughout this time.

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