Isranet Daily Briefing
Wednesday, January 3rd 2024
Will the Conflict Expand?: Salem Alketbi, Israel Hayom, Dec. 26, 2023 Iran No Longer Hides Behind Proxies in War Against Israel: Ron Ben Yishai, Ynet News, Dec. 26, 2023 Israel Has Sent a Message; Now a Big Decision Awaits: Yoav Limor, Israel Hayom, Dec. 26, 2023 Biden Needs to Strike Back Hard Against Houthis to Protect Red Sea […]
Wednesday, January 3rd 2024 / Tuesday, January 2nd 2024
Yoav Limor Israel Hayom, Dec. 26, 2023 “Until now Israel has operated within the CBM framework (the Campaign Between Wars) in an attempt to keep hostilities below the threshold of war. In an era where overt war is being waged in the north and south and where Iran is using many tools at its disposal […]
Salem Alketbi Israel Hayom, Dec. 26, 2023 “Iran realizes that the intervention of its terrorist militia arms in the region under the pretext of defending the people of Gaza contributes to attracting the sympathy of the Arab and Islamic peoples and prevents the governments of these countries from uttering the facts and confronting the Iranian […]
Ron Ben Yishai Ynet News, Dec. 26, 2023 “If indeed Israel was behind his killing, as Arab media reports claimed, this was in response to Iran’s direct involvement in aggression toward maritime trade routes, since the start of the Israeli ground offensive in Gaza.” Sayyed Reza Mousavi was the third brigadier general in the Iranian Revolutionary […]
Tuesday, December 19th 2023 / Tuesday, December 19th 2023
Iran’s Proxies in Syria Move Toward Escalation with Israel: Kasra Aarabi and Jason M. Brodsky, Foreign Policy, Nov. 10, 2023 What the War in Gaza Means for Syria: Aron Lund, The New Humanitarian, Dec. 7, 2023 Syria’s Stakes in the Israel-Gaza War: Giorgio Cafiero, The New Arab, Dec. 14, 2023 How Violence in Syria Is Connected to […]
Tuesday, December 19th 2023
Kasra Aarabi and Jason M. Brodsky Foreign Policy, Nov. 10, 2023 “This call for a Shiite jihad, which was ignored in the West, would enable the regime in Iran to introduce an ideological element to the conflict, centered on extreme antisemitism and sectarianism, to draw on the regime’s ideological influence across the region.” Since […]
Friday, November 24th 2023
Matan Yanko-Avikasis and Liran Antebi INSS Insight No. 1789, Nov. 22, 2023 “… the launch of a ballistic missile by a non-state actor highlights the change in the proliferation of advanced technology and long-range, lethal weapons.” The Swords of Iron war has seen a variety of weapons used against Israel, including aerial weapons, such as: […]
Friday, November 10th 2023
Walter Russell Mead WSJ, Nov. 6, 2023 “Tehran hoped to disrupt the emerging anti-Iran bloc in the Middle East. The idea was that Hamas’s dramatic attacks would electrify public opinion in the region against Israel, the U.S. and the Arab rulers willing to work with them.” Most news and commentary describes the war in Gaza as […]
David Schenker Washington Institute, Oct. 23, 2023 “If the Israeli operations go well, Iran could seek to broaden the conflict. If they go badly, it may look to exploit perceived weakness. It is also possible that the leaders in Tehran choose instead to limit the conflict, preserving their proxies’ capabilities to deter Israel from attacking […]
Eldad Shavit and Sima Shine INSS Insight, No. 1776, Nov. 1, 2023 “Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi confirmed that the United States had relayed messages to Tehran and said in response that it had “received a tangible answer on the ground” and that the US “is asking us not to move while it provides broad support to […]
Noah Rothman National Review, Nov. 9, 2023 “An Israeli campaign that successfully defangs the Iran-backed Hamas would be a dramatic event likely sufficient to compel Tehran to rethink its region-wide campaign of violence.” On Wednesday night, two American F-15 fighter jets executed a strike on targets inside Syria that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said had been used by […]
Monday, November 6th 2023
Hanin Ghaddar Washington Institute, Nov. 3, 2023 “Nasrallah essentially declared that he will not be involved in the battle to “free Palestine,” a goal that lies at the core of his resistance narrative.” As expected, Hezbollah secretary-general leader Hassan Nasrallah did not declare war against Israel today—rather, his first public speech on the Gaza conflict served […]
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