Isranet Daily Briefing
Friday, November 3rd 2023 / Friday, November 3rd 2023
SHABBAT READING: The Binding of Isaac: A New Interpretation (Vayera): 5771, 5784: Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, The Rabbi Sacks Legacy — It is the hardest passage of all, one that seems to defy understanding. Abraham and Sarah have waited years for a child. God has promised them repeatedly that they would have many descendants, as many […]
Tuesday, October 31st 2023 / Tuesday, October 31st 2023
INCREASING TIES Antisemitic or Pro-Palestinian?: America’s New Majority Project, Oct. 25, 2023 — Majorities or pluralities of Americans agree that key sentiments expressed by anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian politicians and protesters are antisemitic. ________________________________________________________ The Islamo-left is a Menace to Jews and Decency: Brendan O’Neill, Spiked, Oct. 22, 2023 Jews Are Being Abandoned by the Left: Joel Kotkin, National Post, […]
Friday, October 27th 2023 / Tuesday, October 31st 2023
SHABBAT READING When Peace Fails: Psalm 120: Prof. Adele Berlin, The, Oct. 26, 2023 — In these troubled times we often look to psalms to express our feelings and to find hope. Psalm 120 seems especially relevant now. It begins by calling on God for protection from the deceptive speech of the speaker’s enemies: שיר המעלות קכ:א שִׁיר הַמַּעֲלוֹת […]
Thursday, October 19th 2023 / Thursday, November 2nd 2023
Brendan O’Neill Spiked, Oct. 18, 2023 “… there is something else we need to investigate, too – the supine willingness of our own liberal elites to parrot the Hamas line that this was definitely an Israeli strike and proof of Israel’s evil. It is not enough to investigate where the missile came from – we […]
Walter Russel Mead WSJ, Oct. 16, 2023 “The cynicism of Iran’s mullahs and their enablers is, in the end, the most shocking. Set aside the Israeli casualties and the blood of innocent Jewish children. Those who claim to rule Iran in God’s name do not care how many Palestinians die in the service of their […]
Friday, October 13th 2023 / Wednesday, November 1st 2023
The Sound (of Prayer) and the Fury: Daniel Gordis, Israel from the Inside, Oct. 13, 2023 — We’ll start with the mood in Israel. We’ll go on to a project that people can support if they’d like to help Israelis who have lost everything. A dog story. And we’ll end with a prayer now […]
Thursday, October 12th 2023 / Thursday, November 2nd 2023
Bret Stephans NY Times, Oct. 10, 2023 “Something similar must be said about a much broader swath of the left that looks in heartfelt horror at what happened on Saturday but rarely stops to wonder whether it played any role in creating the moral and intellectual climate for what has unfolded.” On Saturday morning […]
Tuesday, August 15th 2023 / Friday, November 3rd 2023
Cary Nelson Jewish Journal, Aug. 8, 2023 “When you also add “slavery, patriarchy, colonialism, orientalism, homophobia, ableism, capitalism” to the mix, as Larson does, declaring all these as things your course will righteously oppose, you turn critical and political theory into hogwash.” Jasbir Puar, the well-known Rutgers University Professor of Women’s Studies, has a […]
Tuesday, August 1st 2023 / Thursday, November 2nd 2023
Max Samarov Algemeiner, July 19, 2023 “When Jews raised concerns and asked to be included as well, the districtresponded that, “Jewish Studies and Israeli Studies are not part of the Ethnic Studies discipline.” In June 2023, the Hayward Unified School District (HUSD) in Northern California signed a contract worth over $90,000, with a group called the Liberated […]
Thursday, July 6th 2023 / Saturday, November 4th 2023
Dominic Green WSJ, July 4, 2023 “Islam may now be the established religion of the banlieues, and ranting imams may be racking up the hits on TikTok as they celebrate the coming conquest of France, but Islam is also a secondary phenomenon in these riots.” As the riots in France abate, the reckoning starts. President Emmanuel […]
Thursday, June 29th 2023 / Saturday, November 4th 2023
Rachel Gilmore Global News, June 13, 2022 “People live in Djerba, there are Jews here, and they go out into the souk with the kippa on their heads. It doesn’t bother anyone. There are no comments. It’s totally normal.” Djerba’s historic El Ghriba synagogue is nestled on a small island off the coast of Tunisia, […]
Simon Speakman Cordall Foreign Policy, June 2, 2023 “[Saied] deals in a very utopian vision. Anything that contradicts that—such as anti-Semitism or the recent attacks on the country’s undocumented black migrants—has to be rejected and denied.” Tunisia has largely moved on from the May 9 killing of five people at the El Ghriba synagogue on the […]
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