Tuesday, May 30th 2023 / Friday, December 1st 2023
Katherine Knot Inside Higher Ed, May 26, 2023 “Antisemitism has no place in our society, and I am proud that the department will continue to use all available tools to prevent and address antisemitic discrimination in our nation’s schools. No student should have to face discrimination or harassment because of their race, color, national origin, […]
Analysis Zvika Klein Jerusalem Post, May 28, 2023 “Everyone knows I love partnership but adding CAIR which embraces antisemitism is kind of like Iran serving on the women’s rights council in the UN — it should never have happened and it shouldn’t now either.” Why would the White House include an organization that has […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
Tuesday, May 23rd 2023 / Friday, December 1st 2023
INCREASING TIES LISTEN: Antisemitic Incidents Seem Disproportionately High in Canada. How Is This Possible?: Canadian Jewish News, May 1, 2023 — When B’nai Brith released its annual antisemitism report on April 17, documenting 2,769 incidents of Jew hatred in Canada last year, we wondered why the numbers were so high. After all, the Canadian government’s […]
Avi Benlolo National Post, May 5, 2023 “In the United Church and in many other “progressive” circles, there is a disconnect between understanding the antisemitism that allowed the Holocaust to happen and the anti-Israel boycotts that have re-energized modern antisemitism.” As an academic and educator in Holocaust studies, I have given much thought over […]
Dion J. Pierre Algemeiner, May 19, 2023 “Although there was an almost insignificant decrease from last year, antisemitic incidents continue to occur at an unacceptable and dangerous pace. Frankly, the amount of hate directed at Canadian Jews is shameful.” The number of antisemitic hate crimes in Toronto, Canada recorded in 2022 remained above pre-pandemic […]
Andrea Freedman Ottawa Citizen, Dec. 16, 2022 “… it came to light that Canadian MPs from all parties (Bloc Québécois, Conservatives, Greens, Liberals and NDP), including federal cabinet minister Omar Alghabra and Green Party Leader Elizabeth May, attended a reception on Parliament Hill at which a Holocaust denier and terrorist sympathizer, Nazih Khatatba, was also present.” Less than a […]
Alex Goldenberg and Becca Wertman-Traub National Post, May 13, 2023 “This is not just an American phenomenon, as similar trends have emerged in Canada.” If there is anything positive from Kanye West’s anti-Jewish screeds last fall, it is perhaps that more people are now aware of both fringe and mainstream actors who, with the […]
Tuesday, April 18th 2023 / Friday, December 1st 2023
INCREASING TIES Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Memorial Day) Before There Was a State: Israel from the inside with Daniel Gordis, Substack, Apr. 17, 2023, Includes video — Tonight, in Israel and throughout the world, begins the observance of Yom HaShoah, technically called Yom Ha-Shoah ve-ha-Gevurah, which roughly translates as Memorial Day for Victims of the Holocaust and their Bravery. […]
Ben Cohen Algemeiner, Apr. 17, 2023 “I kept asking myself, what did the Jews do to warrant the slaughter of six million of them, including one-and-a-half million kids?” It was a dreary afternoon on July 30, 1897, when Ernst Bergmann, a German tourist on vacation in the spa town of Marienbad, mailed a postcard to a […]
Andrew Silow-Carroll JTA, Apr. 16, 2023 “David never takes his good luck for granted — the film is organized around his suspicion that there is a missing piece to his story of survival and that, as Avi says, “He could not have done it alone.”” Holocaust documentaries tend to sit along a scale from […]
Dara Horn Tablet, Feb. 3, 2023 “In recent years, American Holocaust educators panicking over the deaths of the last survivors have embraced increasingly desperate tactics to reimagine Holocaust education for the future—most famously, by transforming now-dead survivors into artificial-intelligence-enabled holograms.” Last week, an editorial in Kentucky’s Courier-Journal newspaper went viral for its sheer absurdity. In it, a group of […]
Machla Abramovitz Mishpacha Magazine, July 19, 2017 “As tragic as their lives in the ghetto were Rosenzweig’ relatives and the thousands of others who perished were given a gift — most of them were brought to kever Yisrael in individually marked graves their death records intact as opposed to the horrifying fate of being […]
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