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Executive director of UN Watch
Isranet Daily Briefing
CIJR TEACHES STUDENTS HOW TO DEFEND ISRAEL Janice Arnold Canadian Jewish News, September 28, 2011 When Marian Pinsky, a Bialik High School graduate, entered McGill University, she felt the shock of being in an environment where Israel was frequently the target of criticism and attack. Most disturbing for her was that it generally went unanswered. […]
EGYPT’S VENOM TOWARD ISRAEL Rick Moran FrontPage, August 22, 2011 The fallout from the terrorist attack near the border town of Eliat this past Thursday that killed eight Israelis, and the subsequent pursuit of the murderers by Israeli security forces into Egypt that resulted in a confrontation with Egyptian police, killing as many as five, […]
QADDAFI FALLS Ryan Mauro FrontPage, August 22, 2011 The reign of Muammar Qaddafi has come to an end. That he was a cruel despot deserving of an unforgiving end is a given, but now a new chapter in Libya, rife with uncharted, ominous struggles has begun. Foremost among theses struggles will be preventing the ensuing […]
On September 13, 2011, the Haqqani network perpetrated a terrorist attack on the U.S. Embassy and NATO headquarters in Kabul, Afghanistan, a coordinated assault involving suicide bombers and rocket fire that killed 25. During congressional testimony the following week, US Admiral Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, accused the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence […]
Video & Audio Recordings
NGO Monitor Exposes the network of funders, NGOs, and tactics that make up the global boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel. [VIDEO]
Israel's Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Danny Ayalon, explains that the peace process' failure to date is primarily the result of Palestinian and Arab recalcitrance and resistance to Jewish sovereignty. [VIDEO]
Israel's Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Danny Ayalon, discusses the historical facts relating to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The video explains from where the terms "West Bank", "occupied territories" and "1967 Borders" originated, and how they are incorrectly used and applied. [VIDEO]
MOSHE ARENS KEYNOTES ANNUAL CIJR GALA Sabrina Mezzacappa On June 15, 2011 Moshe Arens, Israel’s former defense and foreign affairs minister, and ambassador to the U.S., gave the Keynote Address at the Canadian Institute for Jewish Research’s 23rd annual Gala Anniversary celebration. In his remarks, Arens placed specific emphasis on the necessity of […]
Mahmoud Abbas at the UN, to paraphrase Julius Caesar, venit, vidit, sed non vincit, “He came, he saw, but he did not conquer”. His demand, wrapped rhetorically in the usual uncompromising narrative distortions and untruths, was that Palestine—while ignoring direct negotiations with Israel—be recognized by the Security Council as a fully sovereign state. Abbas was […]
Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu last Friday addressed the United Nations General Assembly in New York, conveying Israel’s “hope for peace,” while reiterating that peace with the Palestinians can only be forged through direct negotiations between the parties. Netanyahu’s appeal followed Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas’ remarks, deemed by Israeli Foreign Minster Avigdor Lieberman a […]
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