Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
ISRAËL ENQUÊTE SUR L’INCITATION AU MEURTRE DES JUIFS DE LA PART DU GRAND MUFTI DE JÉRUSALEM Antoine Chatrier, 24 Janvier 2012 Pendant la seconde guerre mondiale, le Grand Mufti de Jérusalem était le plus fidèle allié d’Adolf Hitler. Des documents historiques montrent les deux hommes partageant leurs conseils et expériences sur la […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
STOP BLURRING HOLOCAUST MEMORY Michael Freund Jerusalem Post, January 25, 2012 [Friday, January 27th] marks the 67th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz death camp by the 322nd Rifle Division of the Red Army in the waning days of World War II. That epic event provided the world with a glimpse into the potential […]
THE ARAB LEAGUE’S FAILED SYRIA MISSION Kate Seelye National Interest, January 24, 2012 The Arab League observer mission to Syria—sent under an agreement with the Syrian government to withdraw forces from the cities, release all political prisoners and allow monitors and journalists free movement throughout the country—has utterly failed.… After the initial one-month mandate for […]
On Saturday, Egypt’s electoral commission released the final results of the country’s first “free” elections in decades, with Islamist parties winning nearly three-quarters of the House seats. Leading the way, the fundamentalist Muslim Brotherhood captured 47 percent, or 235 seats in the 498-seat parliament, followed by the Salafist Al-Nour Party with 25 percent, or 125 […]
THE BUCHAREST KRISTALLNACHT ATTROCITIES 21-23 JANUARY, 1941 Baruch Cohen In memory of beloved Malca z’l “The persecution and the fascist terror directed against the Jewish population within the borders of Romania were just as violent and destructive as those in other countries under Nazi domination or influence.… Romanian fascism has its own original methods […]
REMEMBERING WANNSEE Danny Ben-Moshe Jerusalem Post, January 18, 2012 On January 20, 1942, the Nazi leadership gathered in a villa on the outskirts of Berlin and adopted the “Final Solution to the Jewish Question.” The Wannsee Conference, as this became known, from the suburb where the meeting was held, formalized the process that exterminated so […]
UN MILITANT DES DROITS DE L’HOMME GAZAOUI SAUVAGEMENT AGRESSÉ PAR LE HAMAS POUR AVOIR DÉCRIT LA TERREUR INTERNE PALESTINIENNE ET DEMANDÉ LE RESPECT DE LA LÉGALITÉ Hélène Keller-Lind, 18 janvier 2012 Depuis Gaza Mahmoud Abou Ramah protestait ouvertement fin décembre et début janvier contre les innombrables violations des Droits de l’Homme perpétrées […]
SOUTH SUDAN, ISRAEL’S NEW ALLY Daniel Pipes National Review, January 4, 2012 It’s not every day that the leader of a brand-new country makes his maiden foreign voyage to Jerusalem, capital of the most besieged country in the world—but Salva Kiir, president of South Sudan, accompanied by his foreign and defense ministers, did just that […]
Video & Audio Recordings
OBAMA’S DEFENSE DRAWDOWN Editorial Wall Street Journal, January 9, 2012 President Obama [on January 8] put in a rare appearance at the Pentagon, flanked by the four service chiefs and his Secretary of Defense. Saying that now is the time to cash in a peace dividend, he unveiled plans for a significantly slimmed-down military. This […]
A YEAR FOR ELECTIONS, NOT MIDEAST PEACE Elliott Abrams Wall Street Journal, January 12, 2012 Last week Israelis and Palestinians held talks for the first time since September 2010. Back then, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas met at the White House, under bright lights and with great expectations, along with […]
L'EXODE CHRÉTIEN Lysiane Gagnon La Presse, 7 Janvier 2012 Prédiction pour 2012: un immense exode de chrétiens arabes. Cela nous concerne directement car le Canada sera une destination d'accueil, et ces migrants pourront réclamer, à bon droit, le statut de réfugié. On estime que depuis mars dernier, quelque 95 000 d'entre eux […]
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