Isranet Daily Briefing
“…Here is the voice of Sheikh Yousuf al-Qaradhawi, [spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood and] one of the learned men of Egyptian Islam: ‘I think [the shari’a] should be implemented gradually. This is a law of the shari’a and a law of nature.… We should do things gradually. We should prepare the people, teach them. […]
Mordechai Nisan discusses "In Defense of the Idea of a Jewish State" [VIDEO]
Richard Landes discusses "Dismantling Memes: Fighting the Cognitive War." [VIDEO]
Canadian Institute for Jewish Research / The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs INVITE YOU TO A SPECIAL PRESENTATION : Ruben Salvadori, Photo journalist "PHOTOJOURNALISM BEHIND THE SCENES: Drama and Stereotypes in Picturing the Israel-Palestinian conflict MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2012 @ 12 NOON Concordia University – EV Bldg / (Fine Arts) […]
Sally Zerker discusses "Jewish Contributors to Delegitimation." [VIDEO]
Daniel Pipes delivers the Conference Keynote Address, "Jihadis and Leftists: Strategies for a Pro-Israel Response." [VIDEO]
BOOK REVIEW: Ada Rapoport-Albert, Women and the Messianic Heresy of Sabbatai Zevi, 1666-1816. Oxford, Portland, OR: The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, 2011. xvi + 386 pp. ISBN: 978-1-904113-84-3 Any observer of trends in the field of Jewish studies will have noted that two areas in particular have seen much new research and publication […]
DELEGITIMIZATION OF ISRAEL IS NEW ANTI-SEMITISM Herb Keinon Jerusalem Post, January 31, 2012 Israel has no greater friend in the world than Canada, Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird said during a warm address at the opening of the 12th-annual Herzliya Conference on Monday night. Ottawa stood with Israel because it was a Canadian tradition “to […]
Barbara Kay discusses "Israel and Delegitimation." [VIDEO]
Charles Small discusses "Radical Islam's Use of Antisemitism as a Strategic Weapon." [VIDEO]
The Persian Shiite Regime operates by its own sense of ethics and morality, and chooses which laws and international customs it cares to follow. An unmitigated hatred of the USA and Israel, a brazen support of terrorism against its perceived enemies, and an extraordinary determination to acquire nuclear weapons are hallmarks of the Regime. […]
THE ‘ARAB SPRING’ AS WINTER DESCENDS Mitchell A. Belfer National Review, January 18, 2012 Honest reflection on the past twelve months of discontent, as manifested in various forms of revolutionary zeal, rhetoric, and violence, exposes a solitary thread weaving through all the demonstrations and “rebel” and “opposition” movements that cycloned through the Middle East and […]
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