Isranet Daily Briefing
Tuesday, March 15th 2011 / Thursday, November 3rd 2011
Weekly Quotes “I would like to express my deep outrage, outrage which is certainly felt by every Israeli over the murder of a young family—father, mother, eleven-year-old boy, four-year-old-boy and four-month-old girl. Three orphaned children have been left in this family. One of the girls saw her parents and siblings stabbed to […]
Thursday, March 10th 2011 / Monday, November 7th 2011
STILL FIGHTING IN CAIRO Mohamed El Dashan Foreign Policy, March 7, 2011 While the world turns its attention to the riveting drama in Libya…the revolution next door in Egypt is entering a new phase—one that is just as exhilarating and consequential as the protests that drove President Hosni Mubarak from power […]
Wednesday, March 9th 2011 / Monday, November 7th 2011
Weekly Quotes “It’s very simple. In the U.N. Security Council resolution passed on Libya, there is an arms embargo that affects Libya, which means it’s a violation for any country to provide arms to anyone in Libya.… It would be illegal for the United States to do that. It’s not a legal […]
Tuesday, March 8th 2011 / Monday, November 7th 2011
ISRAELI APARTHEID WEEK: POLITICAL THEATER AT ITS WORST Phyllis Chesler FrontPage Blog, March 8, 2011 The mob roars its hoarse, ear-splitting chants. “Death to the Jews,” “Death to Zionism,” “From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will be Free.” Keffiyas abound: On heads, over faces, around shoulders. The Arab “street” is […]
Monday, March 7th 2011 / Monday, November 7th 2011
WE ALL MUST CONDEMN ISRAELI APARTHEID WEEK Editorial Prince Arthur Herald, March 3, 2011 This March, cities and university campuses around the world will take part in the 7th annual Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW)—a 13 day global event (in contrast to its name) aimed at attacking the state of Israel and […]
Friday, March 4th 2011 / Tuesday, November 8th 2011
HOW THE ARABS TURNED SHAME INTO LIBERTY Fouad Ajami NY Times, February 26, 2011 Perhaps this Arab Revolution of 2011 had a scent for the geography of grief and cruelty. It erupted in Tunisia, made its way eastward to Egypt, Yemen and Bahrain, then doubled back to Libya. In Tunisia and […]
Thursday, March 3rd 2011 / Tuesday, November 8th 2011
‘ISRAEL HAS SHOWN GENUINE DESIRE TO RENEW NEGOTIATIONS’ Herb Keinon Jerusalem Post, February 22, 2011 [Israeli] Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman went on the offensive at the annual EU-Israel Association Council meeting in Brussels… During the meeting, held annually between the Israeli foreign minister and his EU counterparts, Lieberman said that since […]
Wednesday, March 2nd 2011 / Tuesday, November 8th 2011
BREAKING NEWS: According to senior Israeli government officials, the current instability in the Middle East, coupled with the Palestinians’ ongoing refusal to negotiate, will likely lead to a new Israeli initiative to move the “peace process” forward. The officials said that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was contemplating a phased approach “that […]
Tuesday, March 1st 2011 / Tuesday, November 8th 2011
UN OFFERS A TYRANT’S LAST REFUGE Rex Murphy National Post, February 26, 2011 It would take the dark menacing imagination of Flann O’Brien, the fabulator of the absurd terrible world of his greatest novel, The Third Policeman, to be capable of equal encounter with some of the collateral absurdities that touch […]
Wednesday, February 23rd 2011 / Wednesday, November 9th 2011
Weekly Quotes “Our opposition to the resolution before this Council today should…not be misunderstood to mean we support settlement activity. On the contrary, we reject in the strongest terms the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlement activity. For more than four decades, Israeli settlement activity in territories occupied in 1967 has undermined Israel’s […]
Thursday, February 17th 2011 / Friday, November 11th 2011
RUMSFELD’S ‘SLICE OF HISTORY’ Kimberly Strassel Wall Street Journal, February 8, 2011 “I’d read other folks’ books about things I’d been involved in…and I’d think, My goodness, that’s not my perspective,” chuckles former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld in [our] interview.… “I remember talking to [former Secretary of State] George Shultz and […]
WARM SUPPORT FROM THE CHILLY NORTH Herb Keinon Jerusalem Post, February 3, 2012 The Hill Times, a Canadian weekly newspaper that covers that country’s politics, recently came out with its annual edition of the country’s 100 most influential people in government and politics. John Baird, Canada’s Conservative 42-year-old foreign minister, was listed as number three. […]
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